Arising Storm

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The boat was rocking softly, only about 5 miles away from the island, it was dusk, everything a beautiful yellowish orange color. The wind was a low breeze, but it continued to get faster by the minute. Low rain drizzled from the upcoming dark clouds, covering the only natural light.

"A storm is coming Captian, shall we turn and go back the island?" A boy said in a quivering voice. "Absolutely not, it's just a bit of rain." Charles was examiling the locket, gazing deeply into the pearl in the center. The crew mates only saw a pink pearl, but guessing from the look on the Captains face, it was something much more than that, he had a look of confusion, taking in every detail of the image nobody else could see. His desires. The thing he wanted most in life. If he opens it, the locket would show him the way to it.

Loud winds started to frighten the passengers.

"Sir, I do believe the kid is right, the winds are picking up, the sails will be useless. " Maj commented. The sky was almost fully black. As the last bit of orange was engulfed by grey, and thunder bommed, John started to panic.

Maybe during all the commotion he could perhaps steal it. Oh, great, John thought, now I sound like a pathetic pirate. But what other choice does he have? With a sigh John gets up from his dusting and looked out onto the sea. He spotted something off in the distance.

Another boat was coming right at them, since the wind was blowing towards Captain Lee's ship, the other ship had the advantage of going faster. And it didn't look like they were gonna stop anytime soon.

The Blue Orchid

"Ship ahead!" Another crew member, John thought his name was Kurt or Ram, he didn't really care, yelled.

This snapped Captain Lee out of his trance, using his telescope he searched until he spotted them. "Good God." His face turned from confused to anger. "Ol' Alexander Hamilton himself, guessing from the readying canons we are in for a fight" Gasps and and terrified muttering rose from the passengers.

"We can't beat The Lion of The Sea!" "They're crew is too powerful." "I heard one of them got their leg eaten off, but they still fought, hoping on one leg." "They say Alexander drank from the fountain of youth." "Alexander punched King George one." "We're all gonna die!"

John was silent, this wasn't his battle, he never wanted to fight, he stalked off to the open jail cells bellow deck, he heard Lee yell, "Ready the canons!" John knew things would end badly.


The fighting didn't commence until heavy rain was pouring, plugging the sounds of screams with heavy drops of water. John heard footsteps and clashing of swords up above, he felt blood leak from the cracks over head. John was pacing in his small, 'room', he clutched the compass with the picture of his sister. He needed that locket. Would he really risk his life for a stupid metal? The answer was yes. John got his bag of supplies and tied it tightly to his back, with a sigh, he opened the trap door and climbed.

The scene was dark, you could hear grunts, yells, and the clashing of metal. Lighting would strike every now and then, making the fighting clear. "FIGHT UNTIL THE BITTER END!" A curly haired French man screeched at his fellow mates as he swung from a rope, impaling a man who was about to attack a beautiful woman with brown hair that covered her right eye.

A sword was about to make it's way into Johns skull, but he ducked and kicked the other man in the stomach, sending him flying into another man. John didn't look back as he battled his way to the upper deck, the most likely place where the captains were to be. John could tell who was who, the two dark figures fought ferociously, swinging and kicking, but it was certain that the smaller one would win.

It didn't faze John that he was in front of the most feared, ruthless, and smartest pirate in the world. All he wanted the silver locket hanging out of Lee's pocket. Without thinking John ran in and swiped it away from Lee, almost falling into the ocean bellow, breathing heavily as he backed away from the rails. He wasn't dead yet.

Almost instantly the one John guessed was Alexander came running towards John, all thought of Lee forgotten, as their bodies collided with extreme force ((͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) They both plunged into the icy water of the carribean. John quickly his the locket in his breast pocket, hiding it from the other. Alexander pulled on Johns hair in a rage, both men unable to breathe. Then, they hit full force into a piece of wood broken from Lees ship, nocking them both out.

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