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I glanced out the window as the rain dripped down. it was so soothing. I felt content for a moment but then reality sunk in as I continued to hear the slight arguing downstairs.

This happened often. I have learned a lot over the years, how to tune out certain things I didn't want to hear.

It was a good quality sometimes, and a horrible one too.

This argument has been going on for about a week. Maybe two. My parents always argue but this was something different.

It started when I was accepted into a new school. The same school my twin brother, Knox goes too.

It's a private, dormitory school.

As far as i know, It's excellent. In every way.

There was one problem... well not really a problem, but something odd.

It was an all boys school.
and I would be the only girl.

The school was going to start letting girls in.

Since they knew my brother has good grades, I guess they figured on giving me a try.

It can't be that bad...

"Veronica!Time to go,"

"Coming!" I said as I zipped my bags shut, picking them up off of the bed.

I carried the heavy packed bags downstairs.

I walked towards the front door where my father and Knox were waiting. Knox had two big bags in his arms too.

Before the school year started, There was going to be a ceremony held.

My mother couldn't come though, she never said anything about it besides she was going to be busy with her work.

Only my father was going to come to the ceremony and say goodbye, dropping Knox and I off in the process.

"Ready to go, darling?" father asked impatiently.

"Yeah," I smiled slightly. "One second please,"

I turned with the bags still in my hand and hugged my mother. She has always been there for me and I'm sad she won't be there to say goodbye.

"Goodbye, I'll miss you." I mumbled on her shoulder.

"Goodbye darling, Be good and keep your head up high."

I smiled and let go of the embrace we held.

As I tightened the grip on my bags I made my way through the front door and outside, following Knox. I heard the front door close behind me.

"Here, I'll take your bags,Veronica," Knox smiled.

"Thank you, " I smiled as I handed them to him and got into the car. Father started the engine as I heard the trunk slam shut. A few seconds later, Knox was in the car too.

We drove off, my heart beating with every rain drop that hit the window.

I really hope this goes well...

Carpe Diem ▸ Dead Poets Society ✓Where stories live. Discover now