twenty six

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As we sit in the classroom in silence, I look over to Todd. He looks up at me and looks back down. I take a deep breath in at the new way of school that's about to begin.

Charlie was now expelled, Neil was gone, Keating was gone, and life was so different. It makes the old times so good to think about, even the small moments.

The door slams shut and catches the whole classes attention. Mr Nolan makes his way to the front of the class.

"I'll be teaching this class through exams. We'll find a permanent English teacher during the break. Who will tell me where you are in the Pritchard textbook?" He sits his belongings down.

Nolan glances up, "Mr. Anderson?"

"Uh, in the, in the Pr-"

"I can't hear you, Mr. Anderson."

Todd looked worried and embarrassed he would say the wrong thing "In the, in the, in the Pritchard?"

Mr.Nolan looked over to cameron, "Kindly inform me, Mr. Cameron."

I looked over to Cameron as i knew he would try and kiss up to the teacher as he always did. I went to look back as an instinct, as if i would look back and see Charlie. We would always joke in class. Cameron continued, "We skipped around a lot, sir. We covered the Romantics and some of the chapters on Post Civil War literature."

"What about the Realists?"

Cameron replied, "I believe we skipped most of that, sir."

Mr. Nolan huffed, as no one really gave effort. "All right, then, we'll start over. What is poetry?"

Those words rang in my ears as I've heard it before, but this time would have a very different outcome.
A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

Keating stood in the doorway, "Excuse me. I came for my personals. Should I come back after class?"

"Get them now, Mr. Keating." Nolan looks back to the book, Now, turn to page 21 of the introduction. Mr. Cameron, read aloud the excellent essay by Dr. Pritchard on "Understanding Poetry."

I look beside me as Todd closes his book.

I hear Cameron stutter, " Um, That page has been ripped out, sir."

"Well, borrow somebody else's book."

"They're all ripped out, sir."

"What do you mean!" he sounded furious. Mr Nolan marches over and slaps his book on his desk.

I follow what Todd did and shut my book. Knox follows as i turn and look at him.

Cameron begins to read and i zone him out. I wanted this to be over. Keating looks out the door and i see him make eye contact with Todd. He then looks over to me and nodes, Signaling that it would be okay.

Cameron continues reading as Keating walks towards the door to exit.
Todd stands up Quickly, turning around. "Mr. Keating! They made everybody sign it."

"Quiet, Mr. Anderson." Nolan interupted.

"You gotta believe me. It's true." Todd looked to him with desperation.

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