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The cafeteria was crowded and loud, as usual.

I glance down, poking my
lunch with my fork.

My thoughts were interrupted as Neil joined the lunch table. He had a big, old looking book in his arm. "Hey, I found his senior annual in the library." He hands the book to Cameron, earning him to laugh.

"What were you doing Neil, snooping through old news?" I giggled.

Neil laughed as he sat down at his seat, across the table, "Listen to this, captain of the soccer team, editor of the school annual, Cambridge bound, Thigh man, and the Dead Poets Society."

Cameron interrupts, reading from the old book. "Man most likely to do anything,"

Charlie slightly gasps from his seat, beside me,"Thigh man. Mr.K was a hell-raiser,"

"What's the Dead Poets Society?" Knox questioned from the other end of the table.

"I don't know," Neil sighed.

Meeks looks up, "Is there a picture in the annual?"

"Nothing, No other mention of it." Neil stated.

The thought never left my mind, "Well, maybe we should find out,"

I felt Charlie's eyes go from his plate, over to me, "Our women has a point."

I looked over and nudged his shoulder as he made it sound like I was an object.
He laughed at my actions.

"That boy there, see me after lunch!" Nolan's loud voice boomed over towards out table. Cameron quickly hid the book as everyone else looked away.

After lunch with the small amount of free time we has we all decided to ask Keating about the wondering questions circling all of our minds.
The Dead Poets Society.

The boys spot Mr.Keating heading towards the lake outside. The began walking out at a normal pace, but then quicken they're step to catch Keating at a good time.

I catch up with them.

Neil tries to get our teachers attention,"Mr.Keating? Sir? Oh Captain, My Captain?" with that, Mr.Keating turns around.

"Gentleman. And Lady." Keating smiles.

Neil looks to him, handing Keating the book, "We were just looking in your old annual."

Mr.Keating looks through the old book, bringing back old memories to himself. "Oh my god. No, that's not me! Stanley 'the tool' Wilson-"

Neil turns to me with concern, I nod.

Neil takes the courage he was building up and kneels down next to our teacher. "What was the Dead Poets Society?"

"I doubt the present administration would look to favorably upon that," Keating said with a slightly laugh.

I kneel on the other side of Mr.Keating, "Why? What was it?"
Curiosity filled my mind.

He looked over to me with a slight smile, "Can you keep a secret?" I nodded and Keating waved for the other boys to join the forming circle.

"The Dead Poets were dedicated to sucking the marrow out of life. That's a phrase from Thoreau that we'd invoke at the beginning of each meeting. You see we'd gather at the old Indian cave and take turns reading from Thoreau, Whitman, Shelley; the biggies. Even some of our own verse. And in the enchantment of the moment we'd let poetry work its magic." Mr. Keating explained.

"You mean it was a bunch of guys sitting around reading poetry?" Knox asked still not catching on. I rolled my eyes.

As soon as Keating explained the idea, It felt like something I would want to experience. It seemed to catch my attention more than anything else from before.

Mr.Keating left and I stood up, Neil was still knelt on the ground.

Neil mumbled something. He had a spark in his eyes, I knew he was thinking of something.

"What?" Cameron asked,
breaking the silence.

Neil stood up, fast.
"I say we go tonight,"

At that exact moment, the school bell rung loudly. I looked around at the boys, they didn't move.

"Tonight?" Charlie asked.

"Where's this cave he's talking about?"
I asked, concerned.

"It's beyond the stream, I know where it is." Neil said reassuringly.

He could have guessed this idea was totally out of the box, so he did his best to bring the subject up,calmly to his friends.

"That's Miles!" Pitts chipped in.

"Sounds boring to me..."
Cameron mumbled.

"So don't come, please!" Charlie chipped in, I giggled at his quick response.

"Look all I'm saying is that we have to be careful and not get caught," Cameron added.

"No shit, Sherlock."

"You boys there,hurry up!" I heard Hager's loud voice yell. My face got red seeing as he didn't seem to see me.

A girl.

I decided it would be best to catch up with them later, I seemingly slipped away, making my way towards the school building. The boys continued to carry conversation behind me.

The boys laugh at a previous joke as Charlie's presence comes up beside me, "Veronica don't even tell me you can't go,"

I smiled. "I don't know Charlie, I don't want to get into trouble already,"

He stopped in his trail, grabbing my arm. "I'll make sure you don't get in trouble, Come on, please come,"

"Okay, fine." As I replied, he smiled.

I continued to walk into the building, Charlie and Knox followed behind me.

Side Note:
Would you rather have a Neil, Todd or Charlie fanfic? Or I guess I can just mix the story up a bit! :)

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