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I was almost shaking in my seat, nervous as today we had to present our poems. Of course I was overthinking, maybe I wrote too much. Knox was standing at the front of the class. He looked around and made eye contact with me. I held a thumbs up and he tried to smile but it just looked even more embarrassing. I felt bad even though I was feeling the same.

"To Chris," he paused as a few boys started mumbling. "I see a sweetness in her smile. Blight light shines from her eyes.But life is complete; contentment is mine, Just knowing that..." Those few boys laugh. "Just knowing she's alive..." he looks around. I smiled at him to make him feel better. He crumbled up the paper, "Sorry captain it's stupid."

"No, no. It's not stupid. It's a good effort. It touched on one of the major themes, love. A major theme not only in poetry, but life. Maybe we can see what the other half of the Overstreet family wrote?" Keating was referring to me as I looked up and he was waving to go. As Knox was walking down I was walking up, he patted me on the shoulder and whispered good luck.

He sat down and I glanced down at my paper. All of the boys were looking up. Of course they were. I took a deep breath and looked at Neil. He nodded, telling me it was okay. He knew most of my poem but I added some things in after we worked on it. He said he loved it.

I took a deep breath in and began reading, "and maybe I loved you in another life and I promised you that I would find you. Somewhere on the other side. Or maybe you've always been in my subconscious. Nudging me this way and pulling me that way until I found you," I glanced up all the boys were deep in thought staring. "I don't know. But I do know I've felt you more than one life should allow." I looked up and folded the paper.

Neil started snapping and smiling as we learned to snap at poetry instead of clapping. The whole class started joining in. I wasn't sure if it was because it was actually good, or they all just did it because they always praise what I do, because of the fact I was the only girl and I think they enjoyed my feminine presence.

Keating came forward. "Excellent! Another great example of the topic. Shows you must pay attention in class too."

I smiled at him and went to my seat. Charlie was behind me. "I loved it Ron," he came forward and messed up my hair.

I turned and pushed him off laughing. "If you even wanna be close you need to stop Charlie."

He sat back and held up his hands "Okay okay ro- um Veronica." He sounded sarcastic but I knew he was being serious.

I turned back around and Keating was writing on the board. ""I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world." W. W. Uncle Walt again. Now, for those of you who don't know, a yawp is a loud cry or yell. Now, Todd, I would like you to give us a demonstration of a barbaric "yawp." Come on. You can't yawp sitting down. Let's go. Come on. Up." Todd followed and got up. Standing in front of the class.

"You gotta get in "yawping" stance."

"A yawp?"

"No, not just a yawp. A barbaric yawp."

"Yawp." Todd looked annoyed.

"Come on, louder."


"No, that's a mouse. Come on. Louder."

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