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I spent most of the day studying, after and in between classes. I had a few exams coming up. I knew the boys would be in the library, so I gathered my stuff from my desk, and went to see what they were up too.

As I made my way down the hallway, the library was at the other end. As I finally reached the door, I heard distinct chatter.

I entered the room and saw my friends huddled around a table. I went to join them. They looked intrigued as to what they were talking about. I sat down at the table, next to Neil. He glanced over at me and smiled.

I looked over and saw Todd studying at the next table over.

The boys were studying a map.

"Okay follow the stream to the waterfall. It's gotta be there. It's gotta be on the banks," Neil whispered lowly, studying the map intensely.

Cameron sighed. "I don't know guys, this is starting to sound dangerous,"

Charlie answered for all of us, "Well, why don't you stay home?" I started to laugh at his words.

"For Goodness sake stop chattering and sit down!" Mcallister yelled.

At that the guys begin to sit back down in their seats. I look over to Neil to talk to him but at the same time, he gets up and walks over to Todd's table.

I turn and see Charlie beside me, his looking through his english book as the other guys are continuing to whisper lowly.

He must have sensed me looking because he glances over at me, holding eye contact for a second, then looking back down at his book.

Neil comes back over to the table, "Hey do you guys think it's okay if Todd comes tonight, but he doesn't want to read anything? I think he's nervous,"

I nod my head and the other guys start to carry a conversation, they all agreed.

"Oh shut up, will you!"

I was in the bathroom getting ready. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I had my comfy clothes on too.

The teachers couldn't know our plan.

I heard a loud bang as I was opening the bathroom door. I sat my towel on sink and went to the doorway.

I leaned against it, looking in the hallway, which happened to be filled with loud boys and hatred filled teachers.

I glanced a few doors down. Seeing, Charlie and Cameron. They give Neil, who is across the hall, a thumbs up.

Now I was nervous. I didn't know what to expect with these boys. I didn't even know the whole plan!

I was about to shut my door, when Knox walked by. I stopped him.

"Hey, Knox." I nudged his side.

He quickly turned and smiled at me. Trying not to act annoyed.

"Hey Ron, how's it going," he grinned.

I dropped my smile, whispering so only he could hear. "Knox you know I hate that nickname!"

"Chill it out Ron! We'll get you when we're ready to leave, okay?"

"Alright, " I smiled.

Knox continued to walk down the hallway, "See you later,"

I shut my door for good and got ready.

Carpe Diem ▸ Dead Poets Society ✓Where stories live. Discover now