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As night fell, I got ready. I dressed in something warm, and of course added my robe.

I waited by the door, sitting on the edge of my bed. I didn't know the full plan except, one of the boys was gonna get me and make me follow them.

I heard a slight tap at the door. I opened it slowly, so no one else could hear the noise. The hallway was pitch black. I saw a figure standing in front of me.

"Come on," It was Knox.

I shut the door and followed him down the narrow hallway. At the end of the staircase was the rest of my friends.

They saw us and we all continued making our way out of the school building.

My feet felt tired from wearing flats. It wasn't that far of a walk, but we were also running. It felt good to break the rules for once.

It wasn't anything I planned on doing a lot, but it was different.

We were coming close to the destination as Neil claimed. I was walking with him and Todd.

"Arrr, I'm a dead poet!" Charlie's voice rang through the forest.

Meeks' voice followed,
"Your funny, real funny!"

I heard Charlie laughing.
"Come on over here!"

I started walking towards the sound of his voice. Neil and Todd followed behind me.

As we approached the cave, Charlie handed me his flashlight.

Him and Meeks try to start a fire.

My head turns as I hear a whistle. It came from Charlie's mouth. "Point it down head would you, please?"

My mind comes back to reality,
"Um, yeah sorry."

"It's too wet." Meeks breathes out dissatisfied about the fire.

"Gosh Meeks, are you trying to smoke us out?" Charlie grins trying to tease Meeks.

Pitts yells as he seemed to hit his head. I roll my eyes at his silliness.

"All right, forget the fire. Let's go gentlemen and our lady," Neil states, pulling out his book.

I sit on a nearby rock.
Todd sits beside me.

"I hereby reconvene the Dead Poets Society." Neil reads.

I smile as the boys start to cheer
on their friend.

Neil continues, "The meetings will be conducted by myself and the other new initiates now present. Todd Anderson, because he prefers not to read, will keep minutes of the meetings. I'll now read the traditional opening message by society member Henry David Thoreau. "I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life."

Charlie interrupts'  "I'll second that,"

Neil finishes, "To put to rout all that was not life, and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." And Keating's marked a bunch of other pages." Neil flips through the book in his hand. He seemed very focused.

Charlie interrupted my thoughts, "All right, intermission. Dig deep right here. Right here, lay it down."

"On the mud?" I asked laughing.

"We're gonna put our food on the mud?" Cameron repeated my words.

"Meeks, put your coat down. Picnic blanket." Charlie demands.

"Yes sir, use Meeks' coat." Meeks said not seeming very enthusiastic.

As Meeks lays his coat down we all throw down anything we grabbed. I had a small candy from earlier and a piece of gum. Not much food.

"And Don't keep anything back either!You guys are always bumming my smokes," Charlie pointed out.

"Except for Veronica, she can put out whatever," Charlie grinned at me. I glanced around and slightly smiled. I didn't know how to accept his actions.

I scanned the supplies laid out. Apples, raisins and cookies. And...

"Who put in half a roll?" I asked.

"I'm eating the other half," Pitts said with a mouth full.

"Oh come on," Charlie mocked him.

"You want me to put it back?"

"No!" We replied in sync.

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