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Knox opens the door into the lounge. He holds it open for me, I go and sit at the table, full of my friends. They are all working on homework.

I turn to see Knox still leaning against the door. I roll my eyes. All the guys look at me.

"How was dinner?" Charlie questioned.

I looked to let Knox answer.

"Huh?" Knox breaks out of his daze, again.

"How was dinner?" Charlie asked, again.

"Terrible. Awful." he answers. I slightly giggle as he sits down. I notice he rolls his eyes at my reaction to his answer.

Charlie and the boys look concerned. "Why? What happened?"

Knox took a deep breath. "Tonight, I met the most beautiful girl in my entire life."

"Are you crazy? What's wrong with that?" Neil immediately answered. I look up at him.

"She's practically engaged. To Chet Danburry." Knox answered. I nodded.

"That guy could eat a football." Charlie said stunned. I giggled, picturing Chet actually trying to eat a football. Charlie was right.

"That's too bad." Pitts pitched in.

"Too bad? It's worse than too bad Pittsie, it's a tragedy. A girl this beautiful in love with such a jerk." Knox mumbled sadly.

"All the good ones go for jerks, you know that." Pitts replied.

Cameron chipped in, "Ahh, forget her. Open your trig book and try and figure out problem five."

" I can't forget her Cameron. And I certainly can't think about trig."

I looked over to Meeks and Pitts, hearing a high pitched noise. I shook my head, knowing whatever they were working on, was soon going to get them into trouble.

"We got it!" they cheered.

The door slammed shut from behind me, I jumped, along with everyone else, as I heard Mr.Hagers loud voice. "Alright, five minutes. Let's go!"

I groaned as I got up from the table. knowing I had to go and scrub all of this makeup off.

I heard Charlie laugh at Knox as they left the table. I followed the boys out the door.

I felt an arm wrap around me as I walked to my room, down the hall.

I turned to see Neil.
I blushed, I didn't know why though.

"I guess Knox was kinda stupid, falling for someone," he slightly smiled.

I thought for a moment. "Yeah I guess so... Goodnight Neil."

"Goodnight, Veronica." He smiled, taking his arm from around my shoulder. I felt a bit cold... as he walked away.

I opened the door to my room to get ready for bed.

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