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"One hundred years ago, in 1859, 41 boys sat in this room and were asked the same question that greets you at the start of each semester. Gentlemen, what are the four pillars?" Mr. Nolan announces.

All through-out the room, boys of all ages stood up with their uniforms on. I glanced at the rows and looked around. Knox stood up with all of them.

"Tradition, honor, discipline, excellence."
After a brief moment they all sat back down.

"In her first year, Welton academy graduated five students. Last year we graduated fifty one. and more than seventy five percent went on to the Ivy League. This kind of accomplishment is the result of fervent dedication to the..." Mr. Nolan went on, earning loud applauses from the audience.

I glanced around the room as he went on. I scanned the rows of other students. There were a lot of younger boys near the front.

I noticed a lot of older boys near the back, they were more my age.

As I looked around the room, I met eyes with a boy. He was about my age. I noticed he didn't have a uniform on. After we made eye contact for a few moments, he looked the other way. I did the same thing.

I glanced over at Knox, noticing he was totally engaged to the speech Mr. Nolan was giving.

"As you know, our beloved Mr. Portius of the english department retired last term. You will have the opportunity later to meet his replacement, Mr. John Keating, himself a graduate of this school. and for the last several years, has been teaching at the highly regarded Chester School in London." As usual, the audience gave a brief applause as the new teacher Mr. Keating stood up to be recognized.


I followed Knox and my father out of the building.

I noticed the administrators standing at the door.
My heart skipped a beat, knowing I would have to try and impress them for the first time.

My father shook Mr.Nolans hand.

"Great speech as always, Nolan. Good to see you,"

"Good to see you too Mr. Overstreet. Ahh and your lovely children. Wonderful to see you Knox, and Miss Overstreet?"

"Veronica. It's wonderful to meet you." I smiled as I shook his hand.

"You kids have big shoes to fill in this year. I only except good things," Mr. Nolan slightly laughed. Earning a odd smile from my father.

"Oh Yes they do!Good to see you,"
With that we walked away. Headed to get our bags and find our rooms.

As I walked off of he last step, I heard a odd laugh from one of the administrators. I turned to see a man and a boy about my age talking behind us.

The boy had dark hair and dark eyes.
As his father continued talking, he glanced up at me and smiled. I smiled back.

I then quickened my step to catch up with Knox and father.

By the time I reaches the car, they had all the bags and knew exactly where to go.

"Alright dear, Knox has your bags, I'm gonna let you both get settled. If you need anything let me or your mother know." Father said in a serious tone, He looked at me then to Knox.

I nodded my head as Knox answered "Yes Sir."

"Stay out of trouble and keep those grades up!" Father laughed slightly.

I giggled. "Will do,"

With that Knox and I made our way back into the building to find our dorms.

As I walked into the building I felt as if there was eyes on me. I guess being the only girl kind of drew attention.


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