twenty two

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I open my eyes to someone shaking me. I see it's Knox. "What are you doing?"

He was whispering, "I'm going to see Chris I gotta talk to her. I need you to cover just say I don't feel good if the teachers ask, I'll be back soon."

I sat up, "Knox," I rubbed my eyes. The clock said 7:13am. "Okay just hurry back."

He got up.

"What are you even gonna say to her?"

He was ready to open the door, "I just have to tell her how I feel. I don't care about Chet anymore."

I felt worried but I knew he should tell her, "well good luck. Maybe you should like take her flowers, this is gonna be a lot for her to hear at seven in the morning."

He sighed, "You're right. Okay, I'll see you later." He smiled and left, shutting the door behind him.

I got up and figured I should probably start getting ready for the day.


I rubbed around the edges of my lips, taking off any extra lipstick. Tonight was the play.

I stood back and looked in the mirror. My hair was loosely curled, falling off my shoulders and I had a tight teal dress on. I smiled loving the way it fit my curves. I walked over to the bed and grabbed my long white coat. I slipped it on and headed out the door. We all planned on meeting down by the main doors. Keating was driving us.

As I walked down the stairs my heels clapped. I turned the corner and all the guys were standing there.

They turn their heads and they stare. I blush as they've never all looked at me this way before.

Charlie whistles. "You clean up nice."

Knox pulls him away from looking. "Hey, that's my sister!"

The boys laugh as I continue walking to them. Something catches my eye and I turn towards the door,
Chris is standing there. No one said a word.

I waved to break the silence. She smiled. I looked to Knox and mouthed go.

He blushed and walked over to her. I started to walk and give them privacy, the boys were still staring.

I turned and whisper yelled, "come on!"

The boys all looked down and followed me, Charlie turns and grabs Meeks. I started laughing.

We made our way outside Keating was waiting by the car. "Everyone looks so nice!"

Todd was getting in the car, I followed in next.

"Where's Knox?"

I smiled as Charlie came in next, squeezing me between him and Todd. "Carpe Diem," Keating looked down at me,
I pointed out the window towards Knox, "over there."

The rest of the boys squeezed in and Keating shut the door. "Mr Overstreet will you be joining us?"

Keating got into the drivers seat, Knox didn't come over, I guess he was walking with Chris.

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