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I opened my door back from the meeting, feeling quite upset. Charlie needs to stop acting so quickly now the best part of school is in jeopardy. We all loved the club.

Knox was laying on my bed, holding a wet rag on his face.

"Knox!" I ran over to him. His face was red and his lips was bleeding.
There was dried blood under his nose. "What the hell happened?"

"Don't ask questions..."
I nodded.

"Chet caught me kiss Chris," my jaw dropped. "Just on the cheek."

"Have you been drinking?"

"Yeah. I'm better now but I guess it was worse earlier."

I laughed and I got up to grab the small first aid box I had under the sink.
I went back to the side of the bed. I started cleaning his lip.

"So how was the meeting?" He touched his lip.

I huffed and took out a Cotten ball to clean his nose. "Not that good. Charlie brought a couple of dumb broads,"

He nodded with a questionable look.

"I almost fought with them,"

He gave me the woah look.

"his new name is Nuwanda,"

He thought for a moment. "That's different."

"there was some alcohol,"

He turned his head, "Did you drink?"

I nodded.


"Hey you did too. And did get into a fight."

He held his hands up as he knew I was right. "Wow we both almost got drunk and beat up."

I gave him a serious look. "No one is beating Veronica Overstreet up."

He grinned and went to tickle me.

"Knox stop. Not now." I started laughing and pulled him off. I finished cleaning his lip. "Oh! and he even sent in an article to the school paper that we should have girls at Welton."

Knox nodded as if he was agreeing.

"On behave of the dead poets society."

He sat up. "No."

I packed up the kit. "Yeah. That's how my nights been. Charlie hasn't been himself." I headed to the bathroom.

Knox got up, "You're right. I'll talk to him. For now I'm gonna get some sleep." He walked towards the door.

"Okay. Goodnight."

He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. "Goodnight and thank you." He opened the door.

"Mhm." I nodded as he shut the door behind him.

Carpe Diem ▸ Dead Poets Society ✓Where stories live. Discover now