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I shielded the sun with my eyes as the class was following Keating outside. This class was going to be a lot different. He carried a bag of soccer balls on his back. It was a nice day with the weather at least.

We came close to the open field. "Now, devotees may argue that one sport or game is inherently better than another. For me, sport is actually a chance for us to have other human beings push us to excel. I want you all to come over here and take a slip of paper and line up single file."

Keating tosses the soccer balls on the ground, the boys start to form two lines. "Veronica," I turn as Mr. Keating hands me the little slips of paper. "Would you pass these out?" I nodded and look them from him. He smiled.

I walked through both lines, handing everyone one slip of paper, exactly enough for everyone. I stopped handing the last slip to Pitts, who was first in line. I was walking towards the back when Charlie stopped me. "Jump in line, Ron." He has a smirk on his face. I got in line in front of him. Turning, to face him, "Did Knox tell you to do that?"

He looked in my eyes and smirked. His classic up to no good face. "Nope. I heard you telling him to quit. It's a cute name really,"

I rolled my eyes at him and laughed at him playfully. I listened to Mr Keating. "Sounds to me like you're daunted. Say it
again like you're undaunted."

"Oh to struggle against great odds. To meet enemies undaunted."

"Now go on." Mr Keating rolls a soccer ball to Pitts. He kicks it hard "Yes! Next." 

A few more boys go, and I'm currently up. I look down at my paper and look up, ""Oh, to have life henceforth the poem of new joys!" Keating smiles and I run up to kick the ball.

"Yes! Come on, Charlie, let it fill your soul!"

I walk to the back of the line as I hear Charlie scream his line, "To indeed, be a god!"

I giggle to myself as it fit him so well.


I glance down at my book, starting to feel bored. I've been reading all day. All the guys were either hanging out or busy with something. I've been in my room studying all day. The halls were quiet.

All of a sudden there was loud commotion and noise outside. The boys started shouting at something. I put my book down and walked over to the door, everyone was standing at their doorways. I turn my head the other direction and Neil runs right into me, lifting me up and hugging me.

He spins me around pushing us closer into the room so we weren't in the hallway anymore, smiling and laughing from excitement. I've never seen him this happy.

I pull back from the embrace and look at him, he cuts me off, "Veronica, I got the part! I got it! I'm gonna play puck!"
He was smiling from ear to ear.

"Neil!" I hug him again and he spins us around. "I'm so happy for you!"

He pulls back and looks at me, smiling as I was. He leans in hard and puts his lips on mine. The kiss was passionate and he pulled me in even closer than we were. We pulled away, both smiling from ear to ear.

"I knew you'd get it." He smiled at my words.

"I know you were the one that believed in me the whole time." He kissed my lips again, I was still in his arms. He tightened his grip around me. "I'm so happy! Ahhhh!"

He set me down and pulled out his script. Showing me his favorite lines. He was so passionate about this play and role it inspired me. Neil was so genuine. He stands up in a rush, "ahh, I gotta go tell Todd!" He leans over and kisses my cheek and runs out the door.

I blushed and continued to replay what just happened in my head. I was so happy for him.


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