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I was currently sitting on my window seat reading my book from English class. It was dark out and the moonlight was coming right in, shining on my pages. I had so many ideas but I had no idea where to start with my poem for class. Neil should be coming by anytime to work on it. I figured not to stress, that maybe he had some good ideas.

The door was slightly cracked as the golden light from the hallway shined through.
I saw a shadow cover the light out of the corner of my eye. I glanced up and Neil was at the door.

I got up and closed the book, "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I giggled as he smiled.

"Looked like you were deep in thought," he walked towards the bed, placing his books down and he plopped down beside them. I walked over to the small desk, turning the small lamp on for some light.

"I always am, just thinking as usual." He smiled and I sat down on the other end of the bed.

"That's not a bad thing," he started looking around the room looking at everything. He seemed fascinated. Looking at my desk set up, the door to the bathroom, the bookshelf, and the bed. All different from his room. "I like the set up."

I looked around then back at him. He was looking out the window now, I had a view of the front court yard. He didn't. He got up and went to the window, touching the curtain.

"Thank you. I like it to feel like home. I put more things up here and there," I stared at Neil with the moonlight hitting his face. He looked beautiful. I couldn't describe it. He's never been in my room for this long before, at least enough to get a good look around. He was in awe himself.

He glanced over than back outside. "I like this view too, mines pretty plain and you have a nice seat here."

I giggled as he looked amazed. "I love looking out the window," I got up and walked over beside him, looking outside as well. The wind blew as I felt it coming in the cracked window. I stared at the moving trees outside. I felt Neil's eyes go on me. Staring at me. I felt a blush, but it was covered by the moonlight for him to see.

"Neil?" I glanced over and tried to hold in a laugh. He looked over, "Yeah?"

"Have you ever been in a girls room?" He smirked and laughed a little embarrassed. "No,"

I turned to walk back and sit on the bed, "Well I'm honored to be the first." He smiled and followed and sat on his place before. "Yeah I'm sorry for staring, I just like your room."

I pulled out my book, "no that's okay, thank you."

He pulled open his notebook, "So, have you started writing?"

I looked down at my topics and a few lines. Feeling embarrassed. "I have some ideas.."

He turned his notebook towards me, it was blank. "Don't be embarrassed." We both laughed.


I looked up at Neil as we were now sitting on the window seat, across from each other. The moonlight was lighting up our book pages. I read over the first four lines of my poem I had done. I took the topic of love but also about people finding each other. I felt like it fit as I felt so at home and felt as if I found the right people here at school.

Carpe Diem ▸ Dead Poets Society ✓Where stories live. Discover now