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" That was weird," Pitts mumbled. I tightened the grip on my school books.

"But different." Neil responded. I lightly smiled, Neil always had a way of making anything positive or put it in a good way. That was one of the amazing qualities about him.

"Spooky if you ask me," I heard Knox say from behind me.

"Think he'll test us on that stuff?" Camereon asked concerned. I laughed, a little too loud, because he looked over at me. Charlie turned and smirked at me.

"Come on Cameron, don't you get anything?" Charlie smiled.

"What? What!?"

I laughed and quickened my step to catch up with the other guys.

I took one last look in the mirror, Fixing my red lipstick.

Tonight, Knox and I have to go to a dinner at the Danburry's. They're friends with our father, All I knew was that I needed to impress them, dress nice, and they were rich.

I grabbed my small bag off of my bed and made my way towards the door.

I opened it to hear loud boys, as usual.

I turned and shut the door behind me, smoothing out my clean white laced dress.

I turned to leave and almost ran into Todd.

"Oh sorry, that was my fault-Where are you going?" He asked, looking down at my dress.

"The Danburry's. Friends of my fathers, Knox is going too," I said looking at him.

He smiled nervously, "Right, I heard Knox talking about that earlier, I don't know why I even asked." He said a bit nervously. I giggled at his response.

"Well, have fun." He smiled.

"Thank you. See you later," I smiled and walked down the hallway. My small heels clapped onto the hardwood floor as I went.

As I walked past Neil and Todd's room, I heard whistling. I never looked in to see who it was, but I can guess it was Charlie.

Knox reaches forward and rings the doorbell. I can't hear exactly what is being said, but there is yelling.

A few moments later, a light-blonde haired girl, about my age opens the door.

"Can I help you?"

I look over to Knox, who seems to be awestruck by her. She seemed nice.

"Hi, Veronica Overstreet, Knox." I shake her hand, smiling. I direct her attention towards Knox at the mention of his name. She smiles.

"This is the Danburry's, right?" Knox asks, breaking out of his daze.

Chris smiles, "Are you here to see Chet?"

"Mrs.Danburry?" He questions.

Chris laughs as I see an older women come to the door behind her.

"Sorry. Thank you Chris. I'm Mrs. Danburry. You must be Knox and Veronica." The women introduces herself.

I smile. "Yes,"

Mrs.Danburry looks to our driver, Dr.Hager, behind us. "Back by nine."

"Well please come in!" She smiles.

Chet yells for Chris upstairs and she goes towards the sound of his voice. Knox watches her closely.

An older man enters the room.

"Knox, Veronica, How are you? Joe Danburry." He holds out his hand for us to shake.

"Nice to meet you sir." Knox smiles, I join him.

"Well, Well, Well, aren't these to precious. A beautiful young lady and Knox is a spitting image of his father. Come on in. How's your father doing?" Mr.Danburry smiles.

" He's great. He just did a big case for GM." I tell him.

"Great! You are both going to be very successful like him, I can already tell."

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