twenty one

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The bell rang and I stepped out my door to meet the guys down stairs and get dinner. Firstly I wanted to meet Neil in his room and talk. It needed to be done and he's busy with the play any other time.

I shut my door as the guys were running down the hallway, shouting. I stepped through them and made my way to Neil's door. I heard a deep voice. And Neil's.

"Don't you dare talk back to me! It's bad enough that you've wasted your time with this, this absurd acting business. But you deliberately deceived me! How, how, how did you expect to get away with this? Answer me. Who put you up to it? Was it this new man? This, uh, Mr. Keating?" It was Neil's father. I stopped in my footsteps and leaned against the wall outside.

"No. Nobody-- I thought I'd surprise you. I've gotten all A's in every class."

"Did you think I wasn't going to find out? "Oh, my niece is in a play with your son," says Mrs. Marks. "No, no, no," I say, "you must be mistaken. My son's not in a play." You made me a liar of me, Neil! Now, tomorrow you go to them and you tell them that you're quitting."

I felt horrible. I slummed into the wall I felt bad for listening but I needed to comfort him. How would I talk to him now about us, this is a bigger problem.

"No, I can't. I have the main part. The performance is tomorrow night."

"I don't care if the world comes to an end tomorrow night. You are through with that play. Is that clear? Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir."

I heard footsteps coming closer to the door. I slipped into Knoxs' room quietly which was right beside Neil's.

I heard footsteps walk down the hall and to the exit. I opened the door and walked straight in Neil's.

I ran straight into his chest as he was getting ready to leave his room. "I'm sorry, I-,"

He grabbed my arms. "It's okay Veronica. Did you hear?"

I stepped back. "Yeah. I didn't mean to listen I just came to talk to you and I didn't wanna come in,"

He nodded. "It's okay I get it. He's making me quit. It's tomorrow night. Veronica acting is everything to me. He's gonna ruin this now too. I can't believe it." His voice cracked as tears came from his eyes.

"Neil," I pulled him in for a hug. He embraced and pulled me in. I could hear him sniffling. "It's gonna be okay. Just pull through it. Act and show him how passionate you are about it. He'll have to understand, it's your dream.
Talk to him about it."

He pulled away and smiled. "I wish I could. I'm not sure what to do. He wouldn't understand, but I appreciate your effort. I appreciate you so much."

I blushed. "I appreciate you too Neil. I care about you so much too. I'm always here for you."

My hands were around his neck. I played with his hair, it seemed to make his mood better a bit. "I know Veronica," he smiled through his tears falling from his eyes. "That why I love you so much Veronica. You're the most genuine person I know," he put his hand on my cheek as the other was around my waist. "And beautiful."

I smiled a tear coming from my eye. He just said he loved me. "Neil, I-,"

He closed the space between us. His lips on mine. A feeling I had no idea I missed so much.

I pulled away, "Neil I love you too."

He smiled. A tear rolled down his cheek and I wiped it with my finger.

He kissed my lips again. Harder this time with even more passion.

"Thank you Veronica, for everything."

I smiled, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

He started giggling, cheering up. "I don't know what I'd do without you either." He kissed me again. I knew he must of missed the feeling as much as I did, now realizing it. I didn't wanna let go of him. As if I'd lose him.

We pulled away and he loosened his grip. "Well, I think you should get down to dinner. I'm gonna go talk to Keating."

"Yes probably. You need to eat too."

He walked towards the door, pulling me with him. "I will." He kissed my forehead.

He turned to walk down the opposite direction, he turned quickly,
"Wait didn't you say you needed to talk about something?"

The conversation went good and I didn't know how to word my feelings, knowing I could tell him more a different time.

I looked up, "it's okay. We have time, it wasn't as important." I smiled, reassuring him.

I knew he had more important things on his mind.

He smiled and turned to walk down the hall. I went the opposite direction and headed to dinner. A smile on my face.


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