twenty four

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I feel someone shaking me awake. My eyes sit heavy as they flutter open. I see Knox sitting in front of me. My body was curled in his direction. I rubbed my eyes to wake up a bit. "What is it?"

He looked down. I turned my body and looked around the room. Charlie was sitting on the other side of the bed at my side. They looked as if they'd been crying.

My concern grew as I sat up in bed. I looked to Charlie and Knox, they didn't say anything.

My heart started beating faster, I had no idea what they were gonna say. Maybe Neil was moving? Not coming back to school? He was the only one not here it had to be about him.

I looked to Knox, "Tell me." He couldn't get the words out and turned to Charlie.

I looked between the both of them as the anticipation grew, Charlie grabbed my hand.

He took a deep breathe and looked me in the eyes. "Neil's dead." A tear fell from his eyes.

My heart sank. I had no words. I didn't wanna believe it.

Tears formed in my eyes. I started breathing heavy. "No..."

Charlie tightened his grip on my hand. Knox leaned forward, "Veronica I'm so sorry." He pulled me into a hug, I pulled onto him and started sobbing. I felt like screaming. So many emotions I never knew I could feel were coming out.

I cried louder and louder not caring who heard, right into Knoxs' shoulder. Charlie wrapped his arms around the both of us. It comforted me as I cried my heart out. Charlie and Knox held onto me tight and let me cry.

They hushed me to stay calm but it was no use.

Neil, my first love, was gone.


I pull my robe tighter as we chase Todd outside. He runs towards the hill and looks over the frozen water. It was beautiful outside. I started crying even more. Todd was taking it hard too.

Knox was standing next to me, his hand around my back trying to comfort me.

"It's so beautiful." Todd looks back at us and gags, turning and vomiting on the ground. It made me feel sick.

The guys rush to him, I let him get it out before I bent down too. I felt as if I was gonna get sick next.

"Todd. It's okay, Todd."

"Calm down."

"It's all right, Todd."

I put my hand over my mouth. Just thinking of Neil made my stomach turn. More tears fell from my eyes.

Charlie grabs a handful of snow and wipes Todd's mouth with it. Todd continued, as the boys started to get up. "He wouldn't-- He wouldn't have done it."

"You can't explain it, Todd." Meeks put his head down.

"It was his father!"


"He wouldn't have left us. It's because he-He wouldn't have. His dad was-- his, his father did it."

Charlie looked at him. A tear fell from my eyes as I tried to take a breathe. "Todd."

"His father killed him. He made him do it."

"You can't explain it, Todd."

I bent down and grabbed Todd pulling him into a hug, we cried together. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay." I whispered in his ear as he continued.

He pushed himself away and stumbled down the hill, slipping and falling. We let him be. Charlie was still on the ground. I felt him look over at me as the rest of the boys were standing behind us. I continued to stare at the beautiful frozen lake.

Why did such a beautiful person have to be taken away? I sobbed and turned, grabbing onto Charlie.

He held onto me and let me cry into him. I felt a hand on my back, I didn't turn to see who it was.


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