Do You Believe In Magic? Part 3

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Lauren's Point Of View

"What do you think about the guys?" I asked, looking directly at Victoria with a smile hinting at my lips.

"I don't know. Their okay? I guess." Victoria answered, pushing herself up from Andrew as she went to greet her brother who had walked up.

"Hey Nate." She greeted him, smiling as she hugged her older brother.

"Hey sis. Did you see the new kids?" He asked, hugging her back and nodding at Andrew.

"Sorta, they passed by recently. Why?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Lauren quickly checked out Nate. He had shaggy, black hair that fell over his eye and sharp green eyes, he was tanned from being outside and muscular, he was quite good looking as well.

"Well the girl, Kristen, she is sexy as hell. I saw them walking down the hall as I was walking here, her legs are facking bangin!" He said, smirking.

"What's the guys name?!" I asked, excitedly.

"Dustin and Logan, I think." Nate answered, as he eyed Lauren warily. She had brown hair that was parted to the right and was fluffy, her dull blue eyes always seemed inviting, and her body wasn't that bad, the only bad thing was how plain it was, she barely had curves or boobs but he could deal with that if he wanted to.

"How do you know their names?" Victoria asked as Andrew took her waist. I looked at Nate, curiously.

"Yeah. Have you talked to them or something?" I asked, getting excited, I couldn't help but grin out of delight.

"Nah. It's kinda the talk of all the seniors when a hot girl enters the grade. The black haired one, Logan and Kristen are both seniors. Dustin is a junior." Nate said, smiling and bro-hugging his friend, Chris came over. I checked out Chris and smiled, he was cute. He had sandy blonde hair and light blue eyes, his body was toned and tan but not as good as a body as the new guys had. I smiled, invitingly at him but his attention was on Victoria.

"Kristen is pretty hot, but she is definitely not as hot as you. You're body is-" He started to say but Nate shot him a glare.

"I do not want to hear this. I'm going!" Nate said, sauntering away.

"Well, as I was saying, your body is-" Chris continued, smirking at Andrew, Victoria giggled.

"Shut up Chris!" She giggled and hugged him tightly, I looked at Andrew. He was glaring so hard, the phrase 'if looks could kill' popped into my head and that look could definitely kill. I chuckled as Victoria hugged him, she obviously thought he was kidding.

"Sorry, sorry. I just couldn't help myself." Chris said, smirking at Andrew.

"Maybe I can't help myself from punching you in the face..." Andrew muttered and gently grabbed Victoria back.


Victoria's Point Of View

"Can we PLEASE talk about the new kids? Or to be more specific, the new BOYS!?" Lauren exclaimed, smiling.

"Look! Amanda's coming." I said, smiling as Amanda arrived and Lauren and Amanda immediately started discussing the potential of the new boys.

"So I can't wait for the beach." Mike said, smiling and Andrew scowled at him.

"The beach?" Chris asked, smirking, "When are you going?"

"Nowhere." Mike said, avoiding Andrew's scowl.

"A bunch of us are going to Chelsea while it's still warm out on Saturday." I explained, wondering why Andrew was scowling and Mike wasn't as jolly as he had been.

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