Chapter 8

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Shawn's POV

Yes! Hannah's letting me sleep in her bed. No i'm not trying to get in her pants, i'm not that type of guy. 

When i woke up, our legs were all crossed, and her arm was laying across my hand. She looks so cute sleeping there. I want her to be mine!! She started to wake up, so i pretended like i just woke up too.

Hannah's POV

i was like half asleep, and heard Shawn moving around, so i decided to get up since we are going to the Shed Aquarium today. He was laying there on his phone. Me-"Good morning!" i saw yawning. Shawn- "Good morning how'd you sleep?"  Me-"Pretty good! i love these beds!"  Shawn-"That's good, and yeah your bed and yeah more comfy than ours in the suite!!"  

I was laying on my side propping myself up with my arm, and Shawn was doing the same thing, and we were facing each other.   Shawn- "you never payed me back for helping you with laundry!"  Me-"You never told me what i had to do!"  Shawn-"Hmmmmm.... give me a kiss on the cheek!" he smile with a huge smile, and a wink.  Me- "Really shawn, how old are we again?!"  Shawn- "you said i got to tell you, so this is what i'm saying!"  Me- "omg, fine,"  i lean over to kiss his cheek, and i figured he was going to turn to kiss on lips, and i was right. right when he was about to i back away alittle , and stop right in front of his lips. Me-"How did i know you were going to do that?" i said so close, we could feel each others breath. Shawn- "dang, how'd you know?" he said smiling and winking. Me- "Because i know everything.." i said winking. Shawn-" oh really, what am i gonna do next then?" i was about to answer but he brought he hands to my cheeks, and pulled me into his lips. we were laying there kissing, and it didn't hit me until i felt his tongue on my lips, asking for entrance... i'm a tease, so i'm obviously not going down without a fight. 

so i started to pull away, and sit up, but i bit down on his bottom lip pulling him with me..i could feel him smiling. he pulled me onto his lap so i was straddling him, and he started the kiss again, till we heard a knock on the door. i jumped because it scared me and he just sat there and laughed. i got up and answered the door, it was Matt and Taylor. Thanks-_-

Matt-" We need clothes, and do you know where..." he stopped as he entered the room. "Never mind i found him!" Matt turned around and gave me the look of why'd you 2 do..? i just shook my head at him. As Taylor walked in and saw Shawn sitting on my bed he yelled "OOOOOOOO DUDE! NICE SLEEPING IN HER ROOM! GET SOME!"  I punched Taylor in the arm and told him to shut up. 

They walked over to there suitcases and got there clothes. Me-" hey can you guys help me sort these clothes, i don' t know whose are whose.." Matt-" Sure"  

After they left , i was standing by the laundry pile on my phone, then shawn came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.  Shawn-"So what do you wanna do?" he whispered. Me-"uhh, go tell the guys to get ready. Speaking of getting ready, you need to shower, you can shower in mine since i showered last night, and all the others will probably be taken..!" i said turning around and wrapping my hand around his neck. Shawn-"if i do will i get a kiss?" he said smiling. i went on my tippy toes and pecked his lips, turned and walked out of the room to the boys room.

i walk in, and half of them are shirtless laying around on there phones. Man i need to get use to this. Me-"Is everyone awake?" Nash-"No, Hayes is still sleeping. he still has that cold, and is a little i don't know how cooperative he will be!"  Me-"Don't worry i'll handle it. So right now it's 11:00, and we are meeting in the lobby at 12:15. Who showered last night?"  Jacob, Cam, Nash, Aaron, and both Jacks raised there hands.  Me-"okay, so matt, carter, and taylor each go in a bathroom in this suite and shower , don't take forever. and the rest of you go get dressed and get ready."

They all went there ways, and i went into Hayes room. He was sleeping basically diagonal in his huge bed snoring away. I sat next to him, and started trying to shake him to wake him. Hayes-" Whhaaat?!" he said in a raspy morning voice, and rolled over to see who it was. Me-"hey, good morning. Need to wake up, we're going to the aquarium today!"  Hayes-" do i have to go? i don't feel like doing anything!"  Me-Yes, it's a family day, and you know how Bart is with the entire family going."  Hayes-"uggh, i guess. " he said sitting up. Me-"Now, remember , you can tell me anything, and talk to me about anything! you know that right?! i'm like your big sister, and i'm here to help!"  Hayes-"Thanks Hannah, i really need someone right now!" he said giving me a hug. Me-"Okay, i need to get ready, go into my room and get dress/ready!" 

We walked into my room, all the guys were laying on the beds dressed, and shawn was still in the bathroom. i went and knocked on the door, and yelled at him to hurry up. My straightener was sitting on the counter outside the bathroom, this room was set up really weird. it had like a mini sink/counter with a mirror outside of the bathroom, which in this case worked really nicely. i started straightening my hair, and finally shawn was done so i could get dressed. By the time we were all done it was 12:10 so we decided to head down. We say Bart, Nick, and Mahogany standing by the little fountain thingy. We walked over, and headed out to the coach bus that was taking us to the aquarium since theres alot of us, and it's kinda far.

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