Chapter 32

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Hannah's POV

i woke up to people shifting me and talking.

shawn- " here if you bring her over to the doors i can take her for you."

cam-" okay cool. that'll be easier.

i sat up

Me- " no it's fine im awake now."

i walked over to the limo doors and shawn was standing there waiting for me.

Shawn- " oh you woke up! hello" he smiled

i rubbed my eyes and yawned just standing in the doorway. shawn laughed then put his arms out. i jumped and he caught me like a  little kid. i wrapped my arms around his neck and layed my head in the Crook of his neck. he had his hands wrapped around my thighs right under my butt.

i hope i'm not to heavy to carry because it always ends with someone carrying me. i sorta drifted back to sleep until i felt someone tickle my sides. i shoot up and shawn put me down. matt. shocker.

Me- " MATT! HEEEYY!!" i stood there and pouted and he laughed.

i started chasing him around trying to get him back. he ran around the coffee table and intoa  bed room a stood behind a bed. 

Me- " now where are you gonna go?" i said crossing my arms smirking.

i started walking closer. he jumped on the bed and tried to get away but i grabbed his arm and pulled him down. i got him on his back so i sat on his stomach. i pinned his arms behind his head. 

Me- " now who's winning?" i laughed . all the guys ooooo'd . i didn't know they were watching. most of them were standing in the door way.

they distracted me so matt had a chancce to flip me over, and he did. now i was on my back with my arms pinned.

Matt- " i think i'm winning!" he smirked. hes so cute.

he finally let me up and i walked out of the bedroom and sat down on a couch. i went on my phone and i started to get a little pain in my chest, and my brething was choppy. crap i was running and ruff housing. inhaler! i should go take that!

i casually walked into my room and started digging threw my bag looking for my inhaler. me being me i started panicking which made it worse. i think me throwing some things got loud because Gilinsky came in. at this point i was crying.

Me- " caaan you ggett ssshawn please?" i attempted to get out.

Gilinsky- " of course. SHAWN COME HERE!" he yelled. 

once shawn got in my room jack left. shawn had a worried look on his face. i was sitting on the floor digging through my bag.

Me- " i needd myy innnhaller andd i caan'tt find it!! heelpp me plleeaassse?"

Shawn- " shh hannah it's okay . relax.!" he grabbed my inhaler which was in the little side pocket i always keep it in and he apparently remeberd from before.

he handed it to me, and sat next to me and hugged me. i took it a couple times and focused on my brething. shawn starting singing a drop in the ocean . my favorite song. i quickly settled down and was back to normal.

Me- " thank you i said looking up at him"

Shawn- " no problem. next time get me before you start panicking!" he winked.

Me- " have you figured out your bed yet?"

Shawn- " well no because all the beds are i guess i have a couch?!"

all i could think in my head was "yes praise the lord! thank you!!"

Me- " ohh really?! the guys beat you to them! well i have this room to my self, if you wanna share it with me?! you'd probably rather share a bed with me then another guy?!" i laughed. so did he. 

Shawn- " i would love to share a room with you!" he smiled at me, and we locked eyes.

we just stared for a couple seconds until Carter came into the room and said everyone was going swimming. yayy swimming sounds fun even though i can't really swim, i can atleast go in the hot tub.

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