Chapter 24

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Shawn's POV

seeing Hannah fall asleep on Cam, then him carrying her made me kinda jealous but i didn't want to say anything because i knew they were really close. but i still got kinda mad. 

when we were walking in and Cam handed her to me for me to carry her i knew she told him i could here them. it made me happy.

Hannah's POV

Shawn- " where are you sleeping?"

Me- " uhh my room, i don't feel that good so i don't want to get anyone sick"     my throat kinda hurt , i had a headache and i felt a like naushes 

he set me down and i got out my room key. i unlocked the door and turned around. i said goodnight to everyone and shawn gave me hug goodnight.

i went into my room, took a shower, put on some spandex and my MAGCON hoodie. i brushed my hair and teeth all that and went to bed. 

it was about 2:30 am

i woke up coughing. i sat up and realized i could barely breathe. i stated to panick becuase i didn't know what was happeneing. i got up and started looking for my inhaler. i couldn't keep my mind straight so i couldn't find it.

i ran over to the boys room and banged on there door. finally Nash answered.

Me- " i........caannntt..........brrr.....reeatthhhe....geeettt...sshhhaawwwwwwn"

i guess cam heard me and came running up to me. he picked me up and carried me to my room. Nash ran and got shawn. now shawn cam and nash were all looking at me. 

Me- " innhalller"

shawn went to my bag and grabbed it because he knew where it was. i took it a couple times, but it didn't really do anything. now aaron and jacob were in my room. 

Me- "callll...mmmyyy mmooooom"

i handed cam my phone and he went out in the hallway to call my mom.

when cam came back

Cam- " your mom said she's calling your doctor , but we should get her to the hospital here, call an ambulance!" 

since cam had my phone he called 9-1-1. i was starting to space out and black out

Shawn- " no hannah, talk to me, you need to stay awake. come on hannah. !!"

i opened my eyes and shawn everyone starring at me. i need to fight. 

i fought as long as i could. but my eye lids were just too heavy to keep open. by that time mostly all the guys were in my room and finally the pparamedics showed up. i felt them put me on a stretcher and wheel me into the ambulance. 

at that point i couldn't keep my eyes open. 

then i blacked out.

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