Chapter 43

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Hannah's POV

they rushed me straight to the operating room , and put me to sleep. they had to pump my system to get rid of the chemo because it wasn't reacting right. 


i started to wake up and i heard talking. i opened my eyes and it was cam talking to the nurse. it looked like they were kinda arguing. 

i coughed to let them know i was awake. they both turned toward me. cam rushed to my side and hugged me.

nurse- " how are you feeling?"

me- " ehh, how am i suppose to feel?"

nurse- " haha. i'll be right back , i'll get you some food, you're probably hungry." she left.

me- " so what's going to happen to me?" i said prepared for cams answer.

he just looked at me, and started crying. i knew exactly what he was going to say. i started crying too. 

the nurse came in with a tray of food. she stopped once she saw us crying.

nurse- " did he tell you?" she asked setting down my food.

i shook my head no. me- " no, i kinda just figured since he's like this. can you tell me?"

nurse- " well. since your body reacted that way with the chemo, there isn't anything else that will treat cancer as intense as you have it.  right now you're hooked up to a machine that's basically keeping you alive. it's making your lungs works correctly, and if we take you off you wouldn't survive a day. so it all depends on how sick you get on when we will cut you off the machine. you will need to discuss that with family. we have already called your mother and she's on her way down. i'm very sorry." she gave me my food. " eat this slowly and see how you handle it sweety"

i nodded and started to bawl. i couldn't stand this. this is terrible. i'm going to die. i'm not going to be able to graduate high school, go to college, have kids, have my own family. why does this have to happen. what did i ever do?

me- " have you told the guys yet?"

cam- " no, she just told me. that's what we were talking about when you woke up. how do you want to tell everyone?"

me- " uhh i have no idea. how do you tell people you're going to die? we need to wait for my mom to-"

the door flew open and my mom came running in. you can tell she's been crying. she wrapped me in a hug and we cried together. she un wrapped one arm and pulled cam into our hug. we all just cried.

we pulled ourselves together.

mom- " have you told the guys yet? they're all in the waiting room!"

me- " no. how do i?"

mom- " i think you need to just bring them all in here and just tell them."

i nodded and she walked out, i'm guessing to get all the guys.

cam- " it's okay. i'm right here. you can do it. it's going to be hard to tell the people you love that you're dieing, but i believe in you! you're going to be an amazing angle, and watch over all of us. you will always be in our hearts, and i know for a fact no one is going to forget such an awesome manager, but mainly sister like you! i love you sis. watch over me, keep me safe" he winked and i hugged him.

this is going to be hard. harder than i thought. to say goodbye to the people i love. the people i thought i couldn't live without, but we're all going to have to get use to it, because soon i'm going to be up in heaven watching over my family.

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