Chapter 42

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i went straight to bed. no one really questioned it.

i was laying in bed for about an hour and i still couldnt fall asleep.

another hour passed.....and another and i still couldnt sleep. it was 2 am now and i heard shawn come into the room and started getting ready for bed.

i pretended i was sleeping because i've been in here for such a long time.

i felt the bed dip in, then felt shawns body against mine.

shawn-" i know your not sleeping"

i sighed and rolled over to face him.

shawn-" what's wrong? why have you been in here since we got back?"

me-" because i'm just trying to get the night over so i stop thinking about tomorrow...but that's not happening. "

shawn-" quit worrying about tomorrow! everything is going to be fine! cam and i will be with you the whole time, and your going to get through! i believe in it, and i believe in you!"

he kissed my forehead, layed down and we cuddled. i finally fell asleep.


i woke up to kisses all over my face. i opened my eyes to shawn. i smiled and kissed his lips. 

me-" what time is it?"

shawn- "8:30am. your appointment is at 9:30am so we gotta get up and leave at 9:00am"

i sighed and rolled over and closed my eyes. cam came in.

cam- " are you guys up? we need to leave soon!"

i sat up and looked at him

me- " yep."i got up and went into the bathroom. i peed, brushed my teeth and hair and walked out to my suit case.

shawn went into the bathroom so i just changed right there. i put on yoga capris, and a MAGCON tshirt, and flip flops. i was not looking forward to this.


the nurse brought us back into a room that they'll go the chemo at. she said the doctor will be right in, which meant like 10 minutes.

finally the doctor came in with this cart thing and a bunch of needles on it. i turned my head away so i wasn't looking at the needles anymore.

he explained everything, and i kinda just ignored it and zoned out. cam and shawn were listening so they can tell me later. shawn came up to me when i was getting the shots, and ssang for me.

they were finally done.

doctor- " alright, so that was the first chemo treatment. now you may feel crappy tonight, and tired. thats normal. but if you start vomiting and/or diarrhea. basically if you have flu symptoms, then call and come immediately back. have a wonderful day!"

we left and got some taco bell. i didn't eat anything because i wasn't in the mood.

cam- " why aren't you eating? i don't think i've ever seen you not eat!"

me- " eh, just not in the mood!" i shrugged and kinda starred off.

shawn- " hello!? earth to Hannah!! anyone there??"

i looked up at them and they laughed. i just wanted to go to bed.



right when we got to the hotel, and i went into my room and went to bed. i just didn't want to be around anyone right now.

i fell asleep around 12pm. at about 2:30 pm i woke up because i had a really bad stomach ache. i didn't feel good at all. i sat up for a little bit then all of a sudden had to run to the bathroom, and puked.

i was sitting on the bathroom floor by the toilet. and puked again. i stood up and went to the sink to clean off my mouth and i looked so pale, and was very light headed so i sat back down.

me- " SHAWN? CAM?" I yelled.

shawn came running in with cam right behind him.

cam- " what wrong?" he asked getting on his knees feeling my forehead. " your on fire! omg!"

me- " well i just threw up pale as a ghost, and light headed, with a fever. i think we should call the doctor!"

cam pulled out his phone and called. shawn got a wet wash rag and held it on my forehead.

cam- " yeah, the doctor said to go now.!"

me- " shawn can you carry me im so dizzy !" i said trying to stand up.

shawn scooped me up and we rushed to the cars. on our way out cam told the guys where we were going, and he'd keep them updated. i got a lot of "good lucks" and " we love you"

i just kept my face buried in shawns shoulder and closed me eyes.

we got to the cars. cam got in the drivers seat, and shawn put me in the back with him. he just held me the whole time.

finally we got to the doctors office. shawn rushed in and the doctor was ready with a stretcher. shawn laid me on it, and i was rushed away with them standing there still in shock. 

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