Chapter 7

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Hannah's POV

Once i shower, changed, washed my face, and brushed my teeth and hair i wasn't tired anymore, so i decided to start folding and separating the guys clothes i've already washed. We all just decided to keep there suitcases with there clothes in my room because with all them in there room there isn't much room anyways, and i do it so it was just easier. I was getting pretty bored, so i decided to text Shawn to see if he was awake still.   Me- heeey, you still awake?? i sent it, and was looking at the message, waiting for a response, and then it said he read it, but he wasn't replying, so he was either walking over, or he was asleep and just looked at it and fell back asleep. so i locked my phone and continued till i heard a knock on the door. i smiled(:

i opened my door to a tired, SHIRTLESS Shawn. omg, he's ripped! 

Me- hey, uhh did i wake you up? i said as he came into my room.

Shawn- no, we were just laying around on our phones.   

*Shawn belly flopped onto my bed.

Shawn- so why'd you wanna know if i was awake? he asked while i sat down next to him.

Me- Because once i took a shower, and got ready for bed i wasn't tired anymore, so i started some laundry and got bored. i said with an innocent smile.

Shawn- so you want me to help you with laundry?!

Me- no, well i mean if you want, but i'm just bored and not tired anymore... and i don't know who's clothes some of these are...

Shawn- ugh, fine i guess i'll help.. but you'll have to pay me back! he said with a devilish smile, and a wink.

Me- and how am i gonna do that...?

Shawn- hmmm...i'll think about it. Know help me up please!

We walked over to the laundry , and i asked who's stuff some was, but he was mostly just laying on the ground doing nothing..typical! Me- you do realize your not really helping right?!  Shawn- welll what do you expect, i'm like half asleep! and right when he said that i threw a pair of underwear at his face. he jumped and threw it back at me, i was to busy laughing to realize he got up and was coming at me! i turned right when he "tackled" me onto the ground and pinned me down. he was sitting on my stomach holding my hands above my head with one hand, and his other hand was grabbing the underwear!! i tried getting away, but he was too strong. next thing i knew he was shoving the underwear in my face. he finally stop, and he was dying of laughter, still sitting on me. Me- SHAWN! your suffocating me! get off!  Shawn- are you calling me fat?! he said gasping.  Me- well if the shoe fits...i said smiling. Shawn- thats it!! he said starting to tickle me. Me- NO SHAWN, SHAWN STOP. I HATE...I HATE BEING TICKLED! SHAWN!!  i yelled gasping for air. 

he put a little less weight on me, so i was able to escape, and i ran but wasn't quick enough, so he grabbed me and threw me onto my bed, and jumped on me. Me- please, don't tickle me! i hate being tickled!  Shawn- fine, okay. i wont. he said laying on me. i was laying on my stomach, diagonal on my bed and he was laying flat on top of me. Me- hey shawn.. Shawn- yes? Me- your laying on top of me if you didn't notice!!  Shawn- yeah i know. i'm comfortable!  Me- well aren't you lucky.. i said trying to turn my head and look at him. he looked at me and smile, then rolled off, and layed next to me. Me- Thank you! i said breathing hard like i was holding my breath for a while. he just laughed. 

Me- you can go back to your room if you want, you don't have to stay in here if you want to go to bed.!

Shawn- but this is fun. are you starting to get tired?!

Me- yeah a little. thank you for coming over, and somewhat helping me..

Shawn- why you saying thank you..i'm not leaving. i'm sleeping right here! he said winking. your not! i get my own bed, if you're really too lazy to go to your room you can sleep on the other bed..

Shawn- but i'm comfortable, and theres stuff on that one!

Me- too bad. either your room or the other bed! i said standing up crossing my arms trying to act serious.  shawn gave me the puppy dog face, and i kept a serious face.

Shawn- danng girl, you don't budge! he said getting up, but knocking into me on purpose, and i kinda fell over. i turned around and pushed him onto his bed.

Me- goodnight!!! (:  when he kinda stumbled because i weak, he turned and pretended to cry. i started laughing, then acted like i was sorry, but so i went up to him , hugged him, lifted his chin up, wiped away the pretend tears. we locked eyes, he smiled and started to lean in. right when he was really close, i started talking so he stopped right in front of my lips, i could feel his breathe, and i said "glad your feeling better" and turned around and got in my bed. he stood there, and said "Wow, tease! you're gonna pay for that!" he said winking. Me- whatever you say Mendes. and then i turned the lights off. 

I started dozing off, just about to fall asleep until i heard shawn say "pssst hannah, you awake?"   Me- "no, i'm sleeping"  Shawn- "Good, glad you haven't fallen asleep yet because i'm scared of the dark" he said pretending to cry. Me- "mendes, i'm trying to sleep, go to bed, you're not scared of the dark, be quiet!" i tried to sound angry but i guess i didn't because he kept talking. Shawn- "please, let me sleep with you, your room is scary because it's pitch black!" he said while getting up and jumping over me onto the other side of my bed. Me- "oh yeah sure shawn you can sleep with me because your a big baby!" i said hitting him and rolling over. Shawn- "Thanks, and by the way i'm not scared of the dark!"  he laughed while getting under the blankets. Me- "yeah, i figured, now go to sleep.!"

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