Chapter 28

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*the next few chapters will just be in Spencer's p.o.v.

Spencer's p.o.v

I lay in bed completely motionless. My

Mind is drifting into darkness. All I can think about is Toby. So I try to sleep so I can escape this reality. But when I sleep I have nightmares and when I wake up, I'm only in another nightmare. I was hoping it wasn't real. That maybe, just possibly my mind was playing a trick on me. But every time I wake up, that hope seems to shatter as well as whatever's left of my heart. If only I'd known that I would be hurt this bad. My life is crumbling. A has found my week spot. I've fallen. I've had enough.


I sit up with an aching headache after another nightmare. I sigh deeply and tears begin to form. I blink them away but only because I know I have to go meet Hanna and Aria about Alison or something. But I don't really care at this point. I'm too tired to even think about any of this.

I get up and throw on a dress and some flats. I try to put on some mascara but it will only get smeared by my tears. I just want to Cry. I just decide to put on a dab of lipstick and throw it in my purse as I go down the stairs and head into my car. I just sit there for what feels like seconds was 15 minutes. I sign deeply and head into town and to the grill to meet Aria and Hanna.

I pull up into the Parking lot and see Hanna and Aria, I take one last deep breath and smile while I walk over to them.

"Hey Spence, how are you?" Questioned Aria

"I'm doing okay." I try to smile

"Oh yeah, how was your dinner last night?" Hanna asked

"Oh, yeah it was good."

"Just good?" Aria laughed a little

"Yeah, look I actually forgot I have to do this club thing at school like now." I explain

"Okay..." They look confused.

I walk off and back towards my car and try to wait to get into the car until I start crying again, which I barely make it. I was just outside my door when I started crying. I couldn't help it. I miss Toby so damn bad. I don't want to think about school, A, anyone. I just want Toby.

I head towards school, very slowly I must add. I just need to get through this, no matter what.

Running towards my locker to make sure I don't run into the girls, I of course run into Mona. We make vicious eyes at each other and quickly walk off. She's the devil. I swear. That bitch. She had to have had something to do with this.

I get snapped out of my thoughts by the bell. Crap I'm going to be late. I speedily walk towards class, only to be greeted by people staring at me. It's not like I killed someone....yet.

I take the seat closest to the door, so I can get the hell out of here as soon as possible. I honestly am not paying attention, just thinking about how I could've missed the signs. I'm so stupid! Ugh, DAMMIT! Everyone looked at me. Oops I guess I said that out loud.

"Spencer, is something wrong?" My government teacher questioned.

I just got up and started walking away, as my teacher called out for me. I honestly don't give a damn about government. I wish that this was all a dream. How could this happen. I run but I crash into someone.

"Oh, shit sor- Spence?" Great it's Emily, Hanna, and Aria. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" I spat at them. "Just leave me alone!"

I keep running until I hit my car and of course it's raining, ruining whatever's left of my makeup. Who cares. I drive with tears streaming down my face. It feels like forever until I make it home. Of course my mom was home.

"Spence why-"

I don't even get to hear the rest of her sentence as I run up the stairs and slam the door and collapse onto my knees, covering my mouth the silence the sobs. I couldn't breathe, I was crying so hard. I grab my phone as it went off.

Told you, you would get hurt. -A

I whip my phone at the wall and keep crying. Why me? I kept mumbling. Why me.


SORRY!!! It took so long. I just wasn't ready to start writing after being in the hospital! But I'm back. Thank you all for reading! Love you!!!


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