{Newt} He worries, He cares

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Character Profile: Newt. Group A Subject A5. The Glue.

I walked along side the tall boy named Newt as he told me about the Glade. The whole time the teenage boys were staring at me, making me feel uneasy. Newt seemed to notice.

"Don't mind them. They've just never seen a bloody girl before. And even if they have they can't remember." He said as we both kept walking.
"Do you? Do you remember?" I asked, turning to face the boy.
"No. None of us do. Some of us just don't act like dogs." We both chuckled at his comment.
"It's just...so wierd. I wake up in a metal box zooming upwards with no recollection of who I am or where I am. Then I find myself surrounded by boys drooling over me because they've never seen a girl before and I'm stuck with them. And I'm going crazy because I don't know anyone, even myself, and now all of a sudden I'm trapped in the walls of this crazy maze with no way to get out. Great."
He chuckled as we sat down against a tree in the place known as the Deadheads.

"It does suck, but you get used to it. I mean, you've only been here two days."
Soon a mechanical grinding sound rang in my ears, making me jump.
"What the hell was that?"
"We call 'em Grievers. They're these mechanical monsters that come out in the maze. Come here." He stood up and took my hand, a strange surge of warmth overtaking me as he did so. I slightly blushed as he dragged me along to a window in the stone wall of The Maze. Suddenly a strange mechanical monster came up to the glass and scared the hell out of me, making me fall into Newt's arms. I looked up and blushed while smiling, and he did the same. He helped me up as we both walked back to the main area, back to the bonfire. Newt went over to talk to Alby, Minho, and Thomas as I went to talk to Opal, the only other girl in the Glade. (I freaking hate Teresa so I'm taking her out of this story) I sat down next to her as she smiled at me strangely.

"What?" I said.
"Nothin'. Just-nothin'" She looked away, still smiling.
"Why are you acting so wierd?"
"No reason." She said turning away. I scoffed and looked back over to Newt, who was talking with Thomas and Minho. He looked over to me and we both smiled, our eyes connecting. We stayed that way for a few minutes until we were both snapped out of our trance by someone splashing water on the fire, signaling the end of the celebration. I stood up and walked over to my sleeping bag in the corner of the Glade and stared at the stars, thinking about him...


I stood next to Thomas and Minho and the other runners as we waited for the doors to open. I saw Newt run over, thinking he was going to talk to Thomas, but he came to me instead.

"Ready for your first day?" He said, his thick accent making me melt.
"Yeah. I guess." I responded. His eyes locked with mine again.
"Just be careful okay?" He said, grasping my shoulders.
"I will." I said as I smiled and hugged him, he hugged back. I turned as I heard the doors opening, then faced him again. I mouthed a 'goodbye' as I ran off into the maze for my first day as a Runner.

The last thing I remember before fainting was being dragged out of the maze by Thomas and Minho. My arms were slung over thier shoulders, my broken ankle dragging on the ground behind me. I clutched my right shoulder, the pain all through my arm so immense it almost burned. There was deep gash in my right arm and one on my left hand, making me get light headed. We made it through the gap and I collapsed to the ground, everything spinning as I bled out. The last thing I saw was Newt and the Med-Jacks leaning over me, and whispering his name...

POV Switch-Newt

I rushed over to Y/N as she layed there, blood dripping from her arm and hand. I dropped to my knees and leaned over her, hearing he whisper my name.
"It's okay. It's all gonna be okay." I was more reassuring myself than her. She passed out as Clint and Jeff put her onto a stretcher and took her to the Homestead.

I turned to Thomas.
"What happened?" I asked.
He was out of breath.
"Grievers. They came early today. One took her by surprised and cut her. She tripped over a vine trying to run away and twisted her ankle. As she was running to find us she cut her hand on a piece of rock."
"Did she get stung?" I asked frantically.
"No." Minho interjected.

I nodded and walked off, my head in my hands. I paced along the length of the wall, my hands shaking. Thomas ran over to see what was wrong.

"You care about her, don't you?" He said.
"Well yeah of course I bloody do she's my friend-"
"No. You care about her, don't you."
I slowly nodded.
"Is she going to be okay?" I asked.
"She'll be fine, Newt. You should go check on her though."
I nodded again as I walked towards the Homestead. As I walked inside I ran into Jeff.

"Is she?" I asked, dreading the answer.
"She's fine. She's just asleep. I don't know for how long though. She lost a lot of blood." He walked past me as I walked into the dark room. I sat down in a chair next to her bed and gripped her hand.

"Y-Y/N, I don't know if you can hear me but," I paused as I felt my eyes well with tears. "I'm not leaving your side until you wake up. Because I care about you too much. Bloody hell I love you too much. I'm worried about you Y/N. I......I love you, Y/N." I looked down at my hand with my eyes closed. I heard the sheets in the bed rustle and felt a pressure being applied to my hand. I looked up and saw Y/N's weak smile beaming at me.

"Newt, there's a reason I said your name before I fainted. I wanted you to be next to me. Because I love you, too."

I smiled. Brighter than I ever had before. I stood up and bent down, planting a kiss on her forehead. As I was going to sit back down, I felt a warm hand on my face as I was pulled down, my lips connecting to hers. It sent shockwaves through my body, making me feel like I could do anything. We parted, and our foreheads rested together.

"I worry, Y/N, I care."
"I worry, Newt. I care."


There you go! First Newt fanfiction ever! Hope you enjoyed!


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