{Newt} Flirting

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The group was walking across the Scorch, one of the biggest desolate areas left on the planet. We had stopped to rest by a pile of rocks, and had set up a small camp. We were all covered up under a large blanket turned into a lean-to. Thomas and Teresa were off overlooking the area, and the rest of us were under the blanket talking.

"Hey Y/N." Aris said, cocking a sly smile. I was working on bandaging Frypan's cut arm, and I looked up at Aris.
"Hey Aris." I said, offering a small smile and returning to my work.
"What are you doing?" He sat down next to me.
"Umm...I'm patching up Frypan's arm." I was slightly confused. It was pretty obvious what I was doing. "There. All better. Your good to go Fry." I patted him on the back.

"Is there something you needed Aris?"
"I was wondering if maybe you would wanna be my walking partner?"
"Uh yeah. Sure." I gave off a small confused smile. I didn't wanna be rude and say no. I'm too damn nice.

I stood up and walked over to where Newt was. I grabbed onto his arm and kissed his lips lightly, then sat down next to him. He smiled at me and sat down, then wrapped his arm around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder as the sun set.

Even in a world as shucked up as this, the sunset still looks beautiful.

I apparently ended up falling asleep after a while, cause I woke up in the morning covered by the small blanket I had brought with me. I pulled up my pants leg and adjusted my bandage, then pulled it up to see if the wound had healed. I stood up and began walking with the rest of the group.

I started heading towards Aris. Newt grabbed my arm.
"Where are you going?" he said.
"Aris asked me to walk with him today. I didn't wanna be rude and say no." I gave a weak smile.
"Okay." He smiled back. I pecked his lips and jogged to where Aris was. I covered my head with my back pack to keep out the sun.

Me and Aris talked for a while, mostly about what our mazes were like. Aris kept making wierd comments, mainly comparing me and Rachael. I started getting uncomfortable.

We finally arrived at a broken down city and decided to scavenge for resources. I sat down and changed my bandages, then tended to any wounds anyone else had. Aris came back over and sat next to me.

"Hey." He had that same coy smile on his face.
"Hi." I said, confused.
"Can I borrow some bandages? I've got a cut on my arm."
"Here. Lemme help you." I pulled out some badages and pulled up his sleeve, revealing a small bleeding cut on his arm. I added some antiseptic to the wound and wrapped it up, then tied it in place.

"There you go."
"Thank you." He placed his hand on my thigh and I really got weirded out. He winked at me as he walked away and I scurried over to Newt.

"Do you know what's wrong with Aris? He's acting....wierd."
"What do you mean wierd, love?"
"He's like....he keeps comparing me to someone named Rachael who was in his maze. And just a few moments ago he touched my leg really weirdly."
"Hold on a second." Newt stood up and walked over to Aris, then pulled him aside. I slowly inched my way over to where he had pulled him away to and hid behind a wall. I listened to the conversation.

"-need to stop. What your doing is really freaking her out and making her uncomfortable. So stop it."
"Why would you care? And how do you know it's making her uncomfortable?"
"Because she's my bloody girlfriend. That's why. So back off."
"Fine. I'll back off." Aris walked out of the room and I pretended like I was doing something, then I waved at him as he walked away. Newt came out afterwards, and I kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Newt."
"Anything for you love."

This one is a bit shorter, I don't have much time today to write. Its my sisters b-day so....yeah.

Thank you guys for over 300 VIEWS! This was a re-uploaded book I had written a while ago and views were down for a while, but thank you for picking up the reads ago!

Loves yah!


Newt Imagines {rewrites coming soon}Where stories live. Discover now