{Newt} The Cure #2

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Warning: This chapter contains mentions of severe mental issues. Please be advised while reading.

Please don't play the song yet.

Chapter 2

I walked down the hall slowly, nearing her room with every step. I wanted to see her again, I had to. Last time we met was the first time in a long time I've been able to talk to someone, and it felt nice. I needed to talk to her again.

I stepped in front of the door, knocking three times. If I didn't do it three times it didn't feel right, thanks to my OCD. I heard a rustling behind the door and a muffled 'come in'. I opened the door a bit slower, peeking my head in. I smiled at her and shut the door, her smiling back at me.

"Hey Newt." She said excitedly. "What's up?"
"Not much. I just wanna talk." I said, sitting on the edge of her bed.
"Good. I was getting bored." She laughed and I laughed along with her.

I have to say, she's quite beautiful. Her (y/h/c) hair fell across her shoulder, and it was slightly messy. Her lips were a deep pink, curled up on the edges. Her eyes were soft and showed how broken she was, but also how comfortable she felt. I studied her features, and that's when I noticed the music in the background.

Play it now

"So your into rock music?" I said, listening as the intro of the song started.
"Yeah. It calms my mind I guess." I noticed that she wasn't sitting like she was yesterday, rather she was sitting cross legged.
"Seems like it would do the opposite." I say, scooting closer to the wall.
"Not for me I guess. It shuts out my nerves." She shifted and there was a silence.

Take me high and I'll sing, you make everything okay okay okay...we are one and the same oh you take all the pain away away away....

I found Y/N to be closer to me than before. She looked at me confused.
"You seem to slip into your mind alot." She cocked her head to the side, giving me an amazing view of her shining eyes. "What's going on in the head of yours Newt?" She asked me, head still close. Close enough that I could feel her breaths.
"Nothing. Just thinking." I respond, looking at her. I didn't move an inch, except my eyes. They flicked from her eyes to her lips to her body to her eyes again. That's when I realized it.

There was nothing happening in my head.
No voices, no whispers, no panicking. Just....silence. Something about her silenced them, quieted them. Made me more vulnerable. She broke down my walls, and that's hard for people to do.

I'm falling for her. Why am I falling for her? Is it her hair? Or her lips? Maybe it's her eyes....or her voice....her laugh.....

"You slipped away for a second there." She laughed and I snapped back to reality.
"Yeah. Yeah I guess I did." I laughed and she laughed along, that beautiful and amazing laugh I was falling for.

When you have OCD you notice the little things about someone or something, things a normal person wouldn't care about or notice.
"Your eyeliner's smudged a bit. Here." I licked my thumb and put it to her face, cupping it as I whiped away the small black smudge. She blushed and I left my hand there for a while, just feeling her cold skin against my hand. It was a comforting feeling, a warming feeling that spread through me. I reluctantly let it slide away and she looked at the ground. We sat in silence until I heard one of my favorite songs playing on the speaker.

"I got your picture I'm coming with you dear Maria count me in..." I hummed under my breath.
"There's a story at the bottom of this bottle..." She sang back. I looked up and smiled at the sight of her looking back at me. We continued singing in perfect harmony, like some cliche tv show like Glee or something. It felt nice either way, and her voice was a much awaited change from the ones usually residing in my mind.

When the song was over, we both sat back and laughed.
"Listen to that song alot?" She said, taking a drink from her water bottle next to her.
"It's one of my favorites." I say. "Drowns out the noises." I smile and she smiles back, a polite kind smile. Damn, I'm falling for this girl hard.

"Well maybe we'll have to sing again sometime?" She said, almost pleading with her doe eyes.
"Of course. I wouldn't miss it." I smiled brightly, and her face lit up. I stood up and started walking to the door.
"See you tomorrow Newt?" She asked.
"Of course." I opened the door and walked out down the hall.

She was special, not like all the other girls who were false versions of themselves. She made everything seem okay again, she calmed me. She silenced the voices that rang through my head.

She was special.

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