{Newt} Wolf Blood PT 1

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Okay so I'm breaking from the 13 Reasons series for a moment to do this imagine. Now, this is a Teen Wolf based imagine and I am only on season 1 so prepare for an attack, and by that I mean cringe.

You have been warned.

Me and Stiles exchanged our glances in the hallway. I passed Scott as well, nodding his way. He answered back with a nod, and I continued walking until I felt two hands press themselves on my hips. I looked up to see my boyfriend Newt behind me.

"Hey." I smiled at him and whispered.
"Hey, love." He kissed my head and moved to my side, linking our hands. "I was thinking, maybe we could do something tonight?" He said as we walked. "Maybe we could like, watch the full moon or something."

I tried to come up with an excuse.
"Actually I'm working on a school project with Stiles and Scott tonight." He looked disappointed. "I'm really sorry. Maybe tomorrow night?" He turned to face me.
"Okay. Promise tomorrow?" He said.
"Promise." I said, leaning up to peck him on the lips. "Now, I have to get to bio and you have calculus. So go and learn." I pushed him away playfully.
"Fine. I'll text you later." He yelled waving.
"Bye!" I waved back and stood there.

"Yah gotta tell him sometime." I jumped at someone's voice behind me. I turned and smacked Stiles in the back of the head.
"Goddamit Stiles don't sneak up on me or stand that close to my ear! You know I hate that."
"Well he's right." Scott said, popping up on the other side. "Your gonna have to."
"He'll think I'm a freak." I said bluntly, as if it was obvious.
"Sure. At least his parents aren't freaking werewolf hunters."
"Scott now is not the time to dwell on your girl problems. Figure that out on your own time." Stiles smacked his head.
"Fine. Sorry. Geez." Scott mumbled and I held back a laugh.
"Anyway, your still gonna have to tell him. You can't lie forever."
"I know I know. And I will. Just not now." I turned and started walking towards class. "Hurry up, we're gonna miss bio."

I sat down in my seat and waited for the clock to tick down, then rushed to my locker and out the door of the school. I waited for Newt to come out and when he did, I engulfed him in my arms.
"Geez your gonna choke me." He laughed and I parted from the hug.
"To make it up to you for missing tonight, tomorrow we are going to the VR arcade." I held up two tickets.
"What? No way! How did you get these?"
"Let's just say my mom's boyfriend is very generous when he wants to get on my good side." I kissed him lightly and he pulled me in closer, grabbing my hips. My arms went around his neck and I kissed back, lightly. I heard Stiles' famous whistle and we both gave him the finger. When we parted, Newt slung his arm over my shoulder and we walked over to Stiles and Scott.

"You do know how annoying you are, right Stiles?"
"I've been told a few times." He smirked and I laughed. Derek, obviously.
"Let's just go. I've got a game to prepare for." Newt said. Newt played baseball for the school, and it was that season again. The sad part is, I have to train with Derek tonight. And it's the full moon. Hopefully I'll be able to control it. We walked over to where all of our cars and stuff where. I caught Scott looking at Allison and I smacked his head.

"Focus," I whsipered. "It's dangerous." He shook his head and went with Stiles to his car. I stayed with Newt as he pulled on his leather jacket. He hopped onto his motorcycle and I got on the back. I pulled on the helmet and wrapped my arms around his waist as he revved up the engine, and we sped off toward my house. Once we were there, I hopped off and took the helmet off, shaking out my hair. I set it down on the back, smiling at Newt.

"Yah know, my mom won't be home until later." I bit my lip and smirked. He smirked back and I grabbed his hand, leading him in the door and up to my room.


I watched as Newt's motorcycle pulled out of the driveway, then searched my closet for what I needed. I always wore specific clothing on nights like this as they were easy to move in. I picked out black leggings, a grey loose t-shirt, over the knee riding boots, and some fingerless gloves. I slipped on my jacket since it was cold and popped my hair into a ponytail.

I opened up my window and jumped out with ease, then brushed off my clothes. Scott and Stiles were already waiting for me in the woods when I got there.
"Who are you fancied up for?" Stiles snapped.
"Shut up." I turned my back to him and started walking.
"Why are you in such a hurry today?" Scott questioned.
"Remember last time we were late? Derek will actually murder us." I started at a light jog, anxious to get to the lesson tonight.

Soon afterwards we stood in front of the burned down Hale House, with Derek standing in front.
"Good. Your not late this time." He said, staring us down. "Now, let's get started."

God I am so fucking ashamed of myself for this one it is so bad and cringy and just uhggg. What was I thinking? Anyway I'm almost done with season 1 I believe so yeah. Again this was cringe.

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