{Newt} Nightmares

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You ran.

You ran as fast as you could, looking behind you all the while. They were chasing you, holding guns so big they were almost bigger than the men. Behind them were Griever's, about 50 of them. You kept running.

You soon bumped into a large and solid form, looking up to meet Newt's eyes.
"Y/N? What's happening?"
"Just go!"
Suddenly a shot rang out and Newt was on the floor, body covered in blood. His blood.

You screamed as you awoke in a frenzy, panicking and sweating. You cried, tears down your face. Lately you'd been having nightmares quite frequently, more and more each day. You closed your eyes once to get your bearings but it only made things worse. Newt's body flashed before your eyes, and you quickly opened them again. More tears fell as the darkness of the surroundings got to you, making you realise how scared and alone you felt. You had to get out of this dark and clostrophobic room.

You stood up and slowly creeped downstairs, making sure not to alert anyone that you were awake. You slowly inched out of the door, making sure it didn't creak on the way out. You stepped your bare feet on the grass, the cold enveloping you, considering you were wearing a tank-top and some shorts as sleep wear. You walked with heavy and shakey footsteps over to the wall, running your hand over the marks on the stone. You turned your back and slid down the wall, tears streaming down your face as you let out silent sniffles. You just stared, stared into the distance, wondering what was beyond those walls. Wondering what was missing...

"Why are you out here, love?" A British voice snapped you back into reality. "It's freezing." You looked up meeting his eyes. "And why are you crying?"
"I-I had a...nightmare." You spoke slowly and quietly. "A bad one." You closed your eyes and saw it again, making you shake violently and sob a little louder. Newt slid down the wall next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
"Shhh, love, it's okay." You sobbed into his shirt as he whispered to you, telling you everything was ok. He held you close, his chin on the top of your head. He softly kissed your head. You continued to sob, thinking of all the nightmares you had been having lately. All of them involved Newt in some way, ranging from him breaking your heart to being lost forever. You recalled it all, realizing that you were so damn in love with this boy.

"What happened?" He said, pulling you away from him slightly to look you in the eyes. His were laced in concern, wanting to make sure you were ok.
"I-I was running and and these people were chasing me and then you showed up but then....." You trailed off, more tears threatening to spill from your eyes. He pulled you back close to him, holding you so close you almost couldn't breathe. Almost. You breathed in his scent, an amazing mix of earth and soap. He pulled back again, kissing you lightly on your lips. You kiss back, your hand wandering to his hair and his to your waist. You pulled him closer, enjoying the feeling of his lips on yours. You could stay here for hours, just enjoying each other's loving embrace. Your hand released from his hair, moving to his neck to meet your other hand. You both pulled away, but only for a moment to get air. Your lips crashed back together, tangling like a knot. When you finally pulled away again, you rested your forehead on his.

"Maybe you should start sleeping in my room. You know, in case of any nightmares."
You giggled slightly. "Maybe." You leaned back against the wall, curled up under Newt's arm. You looked at the sky until you fell asleep, lightly snoring. Newt smiled and picked you up bridal style, carrying you back to his room. He slipped the covers over you, giving you a kiss on the temple. He backed away, stopping near your ear.

He whispered, "I love you." before kissing your forehead. You smiled and mumbled something he couldn't hear, but he smiled nonetheless. He climbed in next to you, holding you close to chase the nightmares away.

Little to his knowledge, what you had mumbled....

"I love you too."

Hey Guys! So this author's note is extremely important so please read.

I have a new updating schedule!

I'll be trying to update every weekend if possible. If not, then I WILL for sure update within the next week. It all depends on school. Who knows? Maybe I'll get some double/early updates!

So that's all, if you have any requests put it in the comments below or message me! Thanks! Don't forget to vote, and check out my new book WICKED Love!



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