{Thomas} 13 Reasons PT 3

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The Orville Corner Store. My next destination.

When I arrived there, it didn't seem to have changed. The walls were still the same, the windows were still grimy, and the front door still had the same chipped paint. I turned the doorknob slowly, the door creaking as I opened it.

I looked around as I walked to the front desk. It was almost as if nothing even changed. Not since the day me and Y/N ran around in here acting stupid. The memory made me smile.

Once I reached the desk, Mr. Orville looked at me.
"Morning Thomas. I assume you came for this?" He held up another yellow envelope with my name written in Y/N's scribbled handwriting.
"Yeah. Thanks Mr.Orville." I smiled weakly and took the envelope.
"No problem Thomas." He nodded and waved as I walked out.

Thank god it was Saturday, and I didn't have to go to school. Instead I walked straight home, took out my laptop and headphones, and opened the envelope. I spilled the contents onto my floor and spread it out.

There was the usual CD, a letter, a plastic salamander, and a slip of paper. I set the slip of paper aside and opened the letter.


This is the 3rd letter. I gave it to Mr. Orville for the sole purpose of it being safe there. But that's not why I put it at the corner store.
Remember when we used to go there after school and run around the aisles? We used to take all the joke toys off the wall and start playing with them. Mr. Orville was getting irritated at first, but then he just watched us and didn't care. Those are some of my best memories.

The reason the plastic newt (I've written Newt so much my phone automatically capitalizes it. Whoops.) is here is because of the corner store. We bought box after box of those terrible animal crackers just so we could find one. I was about to give up but you refused cause I wanted one so bad.

Okay, I'm done talking now. Just watch the video. And don't open the paper until you've watched the video.

I really miss you.

I set aside the letter and picked up the little plastic animal, turning it over in my hands. I remember spending so much money to find this.

I took the CD and put it into the computer, then pressed play.

Hey Thomas! You found another video. 3 videos down, 10 to go. I bet it's nice to hear my voice again, after me being gone for so long.

I'm just gonna cut to the chase. This video is about Will.

I always hated parties, for the specific reason that everyone there was either drunk, high, or going to fuck somewhere in another room. So imagine the one night I decide to go.

I showed up to the party a small bit late, but I could see everyone was already there. I already hated it, since in the two minutes I was there I had already ran into 4 drunk guys, a girl vaping, and people making out. I shoved my way through to get to the food.

When I got over there, I saw you sitting over in the corner with some of you friends. I decided I should walk over and say hi and hang out with you to make this bearable, but as I was about to, Will bumped into me and spilled beer allover my white shirt.

"Whoops. Mah bad. Nice bra by the way." He laughed and I ran upstairs to the bathroom, crying and humiliated. I frantically tried to wipe the beer off my shirt but it made it worse, so I just sat and cried.

That's when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it up slightly to see you standing there, your pullover hoodie in your hands. You asked me if I wanted to put it on so nobody would see, and I took it and wore it out of the bathroom and downstairs.

Will decided to be a dick like usual and make some stupid comment.
"Did your boyfriend give you his hoodie so you don't feel like a slut?"
"Shut up, Will." You stepped up him, and nobody has ever done that before. Especially for me. "Come on, I'll take you home."

I wanted to thank you for that. It meant alot to me. And if you want your hoodie back, it should be in the box in the tree house. I think that's where I left it.

So umm, that's all for this video. Please don't say anything to Will. It'll just make it worse for you.

I hope your actually seeing these. If not this is really stupid. Bye Thomas.

She turned off the camera, crying. It wasn't until then that I noticed I was crying too. I remembered that night. She was so upset, just locked up in the bathroom and scared to come out. I realized that I never did get that hoodie back. I honestly don't care too much. As long as she's the one that has it, I don't care.

I tucked the CD and the plastic salamander away into the drawer, as well as the note. I took the slip of paper and shoved it in my pocket, then went to run to the tree house. When I got there I was totally soaked, since it started raining.

I opened up the wooden box we used to use for food, and sure enough, the hoodie was there. I picked it up and held it, looking at it. It smelled like her. I can tell she wore it alot. It made me smile.

I took out the piece of paper and opened it up.

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