{Thomas} Surprise?

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I rushed out of bed quickly, running to the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet as I threw up, the acidic taste filling my mouth. I flushed the toilet and rinsed my mouth out, sitting on the bathroom floor preparing for another attack from my stomach. I don't know how long it had been, but there was a knock on the door a bit later.
"Love? You alright?" Thomas said through the door.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." I stutter out, the pain in my stomach almost unbearable.
"Are you sure?" He said, sounding concerned.
"Yeah." I covered my mouth and heaved into the toilet again, the acid taste covering my mouth again. I heard the door open as Thomas came in, kneeling beside me and rubbing my back in slow small circles. I flushed the toilet again, letting my head hang over the bowl.

"Love, you can't go to work today." Thomas said softly as I sat up.
"No, I'm fine. I'll go. The cafe is short staffed today and I have to be there." I tried standing up but collapsed to the floor, the cold floor touching my bare legs as Thomas' t-shirt I was wearing as pajamas pulled up slightly. I closed my eyes as my head began to spin.
"You're staying home." He said, helping me up. I collapsed on the bed and closed my eyes, willing for the pain to go away. I felt the bed dip as Thomas laid next to me, pulling me close. I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep, my body aching from the pain.

3 Days Later

Another morning of painful heaving and leaning over the toilet. This has been going on for three days now and it was tiring, but I had no idea what was wrong with me. I decided to call my friend Jake to meet up at my house while Thomas was off shooting.
"First of all, your wardrobe needs work. Second of all, your not gonna like what I found out about your little vomiting problems." He sat down cross legged on my bed after looking through my closet. Sometimes having a gay best friend is more of a con than a pro.
"What did you find?" I said, drinking my tea that was supposed to settle my stomach.
"Well, first of all, have you had your period this month?"
"No I'm not supposed to until-" My eyes widened. "Yesterday."
"Exactly. You've got morning sickness." He said, leaning back.
"No. I'm not....I can't be. I'm only 20 this can't be possible. I'm not even legally allowed to drink yet!" I said, my hands running through my hair.
"Oh it's possible." He said, pulling on my arm.
"Where are we going?" I asked as I was dragged out of the room.
"To Walgreens." He said, grabbing his keys. "And Hot Topic."

4 Hours later

I impatiently waited in the bathroom as I stared at the pregnancy test. My heart raced as I waited for the result. It was a mixture of nervous, anxious, excited, and scared all at the same time. I turned my back and then picked up the box. I then turned and picked up the test. I breathed out and looked down at the result.


I dropped it as I heard Thomas open the door to the apartment.
"Love, I'm back! And I got ice cream!" He called out.
"One second!" I stuffed the test inside of my sweatshirt pocket and rushed out to meet him in the living room. He quickly pecked me on the lips before setting the groceries down. "Hey, um, Thomas, can I tell you something?" I said, nervously rocking on my feet.
"Yeah, what is it?" He said, putting the ice cream in the freezer.
"Well really it's better if I show you I guess..." I took his hand in mine and he turned to face me. I took the test out of my pocket. "Close your eyes." He closed his eyes and I pressed it into his hand, closing his fingers around it. "Open."

He looked down at what I placed in his hand with wide eyes. He then looked at me with a shocked expression on his face.
He picked me up in a huge hug and spun me around, laughing.
"I can't believe it! I'm gonna be a dad!" He nuzzled his head into my neck, his hands still wrapped around me. I smiled at his reaction.
"I wasn't sure you'd be this excited about it." We broke apart from the hug.
"Of course I am. I've never been more happy in my life." The smile on his face was wider than I'd ever seen it before. He hugged me again, then pressed the softest kiss to my lips.

One month later

It was now one month into my pregnancy and I was starting to develop a small bit of a bump. It also just so happened to be me and Thomas' three year anniversary. We started dating our senior year of high school after the year before Thomas nervously came up to me at lunch and asked if he could sit with me. Apparently he'd never talked to a girl before then.

We sat with our legs hanging over the cliff ledge, my head on his shoulder and his arm around my waist. I looked up at him and he looked down at me, his right hand placed gently over my stomach. I watched him reach into his pocket out of the corner of my eye. He shifted so he was sitting next to me.

"Y/n," I turned my head. "Uhm, I don't want this to be too sappy but I'm just gonna go with it." He looked nervous as his eyes moved to the ground. "I never thought I'd be here with you. I never imagined I would be holding you and kissing you and living with you, and I sure as hell never would have thought I'd be having a baby with you." He laughed a bit as I smiled. "Back in high school, I had no idea that we would turn into this. I always hoped so, but I was never sure. And god am I glad it did. I've loved you from the beginning, and I'll love you until the end. I will never stop. I'll always hold you when your either happy or said, kiss you when something went right or when something went wrong, and I'll take care of you even if you don't need me to. I'll always be here. Anytime. So, (Y/n) (M/n) (L/N), will you marry me?"

Tears fell from my eyes as I slowly nodded. I lept onto his lap and kissed him quickly, showing him how much I loved him.
"Yes. The answer will always be yes." I said, looking into his eyes. He smiled and kissed me again, slipping the ring on my finger while he did so. I may only be 20, but love is love.

4 years later

"And that is how your dad proposed to me." I held my two twins on my lap.
"I wanna get married some day!" Serephine bounced up and down.
"You're only four. No need to rush."
"I don't wanna get married! Girls are gross!" Jace made a disgusted face.
"You'll change your mind at some point. Or you won't." I shrugged and they looked at me confused.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Serephine looked at me.
"I'll explain when you're much older." I picked them both up and set them off my lap, hearing the door open and Thomas enter the room.

"Daddy!" The two screamed in tandem and ran to greet him at the door.
"Hey! How are my two favorite twins?" He leaned down to kiss each one of their heads.
"Serephine decided she wants to gets married. And Jace thinks girls are gross." I said, standing up and walking over.
"Well, I think we should just stick to unicorns and princesses for now." He picked up Serephine and she giggled.
"I don't like unicorns and princesses, I like video games and unicorns."
"My bad." He said, tickling her. She laughed and he turned to me. "And there's my favorite girl." He kissed me softly on the lips, his free arm around my waist.

"Ewwwwwww!" Jace yelled and ran away, probably to his room. I heard laughing coming from inside the doorway.
"Jace! Let's play wizards!" Serephine called after him, chasing him through the door. Me and Thomas just stood and laughed.
"Never would I have thought we'd be here." He said, looking down at me and grinning.
"Neither would I."

So I'm updating early this week cause I have to go to the beach with my friend on Sunday so one of the scheduled updates will be a day early. Which is this one. I'll still update Saturday, just not Sunday.
That goes for both my books, just In case you are one of the people who reads both.

Anyway, that's all for today. And I am not sorry for the video. It seemed appropriate.


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