{Newt} When I see you again...

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Before The Maze

I sit in silence as he fights with the people that put us here, tears down my face.
"No! I'm not leaving her here! I won't do it!"
"Listen you have to-"
"NO! I'm not leaving her!"

I see it all unfold in front of me. He's fighting them, kicking and screaming, throwing punches. I feel helpless, useless. I'm just sitting here, too scared to move, too speechless to breathe. I start crying, tears making streaks up and down my pale face. He's all I have left. My parents are dead, my sister is already in the Maze. My brother has a different name and works for these people. He was my light at the end of the tunnel. And now their taking him away again. I hate these people. They just like to be cruel.

I see him break away from the people in white lab coats and run over to me. My face hurts and my skin is stiff from tears. I look up into his eyes and see them starting to water.

"Look at me Y/N. It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna come back, and when I do, I'll find you. I promise."
"But you won't remember me-"
"I don't care. I'll find you. I'll force myself to remember you. Just- when you go into that maze- be careful, and don't die."
I smiled, a pained smile as tears rolled down my face. He whiped them away with his thumb.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

And with that moment, the only good thing left in my life, was ripped away from me.

In the maze

I walked with the tall British boy named Newt. Something about him was odly familiar, like a memory was trying to push through but was blocked by a wall. The more we spoke, the harder the memory tried to push through, and then it hit me. It seemed to hit Newt too cause he had the same expression on his face.

"Newt we-"
"Knew eachother before the maze. That's why you seem so familiar." Suddenly it all came flashing back to me. Every word he said, every action he did, it all came back, to both of us.

He smiled at me.

"I told you I'd find you."

In the Scorch.

I'm being pinned down by a crank who's helplessly clawing at by face. I turn away and avoid his hands. Suddenly, his weight is lifted off my body by the swing of a baseball bat, and Newt's face appears above me.

"Thanks." I say as I grab his hand and stand up.
"No problem."

A crank comes up behind me and I hear it, so I turn around and jab my knife into it's chest. Our whole group then runs away, towards the save haven we've all been told there is...

The Death Cure
That Page

"No Thomas don't do it!" I scream at the top of my lungs but no one can hear. Suddenly a gun shot rings out through the crowd, and the sound of a body hitting the pavement is heard. I rush through the crowd and see his body lying there, motionless. I turn to Thomas.


"Hand me the gun."
"Hand me...the gun."
He hands me the gun.
"There's nothing left anymore. He's was the last shred of hope I had left. And now he's gone. Just know Thomas, this....all of it, is your fault."

I put the gun to my head....

And pull the trigger.

Newt Imagines {rewrites coming soon}Where stories live. Discover now