{Thomas} 13 Reasons Pt 1

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They say things happen for a reason, no matter the situation. Even if something bad happens, there's always a reason. I didn't know it yet, but I would soon get a reason for Y/n's death. Thirteen actually.

Everything seemed gloomy now, with her gone. When you look outside all you see are depressing shades of greys and whites and browns and blues. Everything about me was tired, yet I still lugged myself to school. Barely wanting to get up out of bed is just a daily occurance now, with her gone. I just want her back. Is that too much to ask?

I open the doors with a loud creak, and everyone stares. Why is everyone so obsessed with annoying me lately? Why can't everyone just keep to themselves? It annoying. Everyone staring at you.

I glance at the locker that is now covered in paper hearts and inspiring messages written in sharpie. The locker with flowers laying underneath it and where a few people look. The locker that used to belong to Y/N L/N. I'm not exactly sure why anyone is standing by it or posts things on it. Nobody cares. Or maybe they do now. Its funny how that seems to happen. How when someone's gone everybody seems to care.

I open my locker slowly, looking at the pictures of me and Y/N that were taped to the door. She looked so happy then. I wonder what happened.
I looked inside my locker to find an orange sealed envelope, which seemed to have been shoved it there tightly. I turned it over in my hands, examining it. I noticed Y/N's scrawled writing on one side, and I ran my fingers over it.
I decided to slip it inside my bag for further examination, and then I headed off to class.

Later that day, I went back to my dorm room. I opened up the envelope immediately and dumped the content out; a letter, a CD, and a picture strand. I opened up the letter first, slowly. I glanced at the words and began to read.

Dear Thomas~

Hey dumbass? How are you? Its been a while hasn't it? Hope you doing fine. Did you get that grade up? Hopefully, or I might just have to kill you.

All pleasantries aside, that's not what this letter is for. If you've received this letter from me, Thomas, that means I couldn't. That's all I have to say. I couldn't.
I'm sorry that I had to leave you like this, but nobody could have done anything.

Well, actually they could have, they just chose not to.

Inside of this envelope is a CD with a video on it. I want you to put that CD in your computer and watch it, then put the CD somewhere safe, like your underwear drawer or something. Just keep it safe.
Also enclosed is the picture strand from the photo booth at the fair. I want you to keep it. Its important.

Nice talking to you again.


A small tear escaped my eye but I wiped it away, then grabbed the CD and put it into my computer. I clicked on it and a video popped up, and Y/N's face looked at me. I clicked play and put on my headphones.

Hey Thomas. If your watching this, you've probably already read the note. If not, get off yo lazy ass and read it. Now. Before I say another word.

I laughed at her humor. I missed it.

Okay. Time to start. You probably want an explanation as to why I did this. Your probably beating yourself up wanting to know. Well, that's what I mean to do with these videos. Give you an explanation. You're the only person I trust, so don't tell this to anyone else okay? Good.

Where should I start? Oh, yeah. Maybe I should start with Dylan...

I liked Dylan when I first met him. He seemed nice. Funny how a person can be blind.
We had a few classes together, math and English. We had science together, and that's how I met you. At least one good thing came out of my friendship with Dylan.

People are cruel, I know that now. The nice guy who he seemed to be was just a facade.
Dylan spread rumors about me. I saw him snickering at me, everyone giving me dirty looks. I knew they were rumors when people started approaching me on the bleachers.

'Is it true you had a kid when you were 15?'
'Did you really stand on the side of the street for a $100 bet?'
'Are you really a lesbian?'

The same questions, the same answers.
You were the only one who didn't believe them. Thank you for that by the way.

I asked where they got the information. Same answer from everyone.
'Dylan texted me.'
'Dylan whispered it to me in Spanish.'

Dylan made everyone believe I was someone I wasn't, someone who would do anything for anyone. Someone who nobody would like. He wanted to destroy me. Well, Thomas, tell Dylan congratulations. He won.

After all the rumors started, I stayed away from Dylan. I didn't talk to him or text him or anything. But he was relentless. Nothing could stop him.

There's reason number one. Dylan. He's reason one. Now that you know about what Dylan did, hide this. Somewhere safe. Once you've done that, go to the old tree house. There should be another envelope in the 'mailbox'. Make sure you open it privately.

And thank you, Thomas. For not believing any of the lies. And remember what I said. Keep this secret. And I'm sorry I had to leave you Thomas. You'll figure out why later.

She leaned forward and turned off the camera. I closed my laptop and took out the CD, hiding it under my comics. I put the photo strip by my mirror and the letter in a box I kept of everything she gave me, then went to bed as it was late.

The next morning as I walked to my locker, I turned to Dylan.
"Congratulations man. You did it. You won. Hope your happy with what you did." And he stared at me in disbelief as I walked away.

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