{Newt} Remember Me? Part One

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In this imagine Chuck and Gally aren't dead, just so you know.

You know your life's messed up when the most valuable things to you are a bottle of clean water and a dagger that looks like something out of an action movie. Oh and a shower. But that's more something you wish for.

My name is (Y/N), and I was one of WCKD's 'variables'. Group B. Well, I was supposed to be. But instead I went into group A, for one reason and one reason only.

The sweet British boy I had apparently known before the maze, even though I didn't remember him. Or, I vaguely did. Only because of strange dreams and weird visions. We loved each other before the maze, became best friends in the maze, and now we were separated, again.

Oh, did I mention I've been living in the Scorch for 3 years? Probably not.

You see, Teresa wasn't the first girl in the glade (If your wondering how I know about her I'll explain later.), I was. I was sent up 3 years ago, back when there weren't that many boys. Only a dark skinned man named Alby, a tight-ass named Gally, some other people I can't remember the names of now, and him. I spent only a month there before a note was sent up from the Creators saying that when the next variable was sent up, I would have to be sent down. After I was sent back down, I was told to pack a bag and get some sleep. The next morning I took all my stuff and they drove me out to the edge of the city, told me to get out, and drove away. Before they dumped me here I was able to get some information from the files so I know quite a bit about the variables after me.

Today at this very moment I'm sitting in an old run down building searching through my supplies. I set down an old can of beans just as I heard foot steps approaching the door. I pick up my knife and run to the side of the doorway as they get closer. I wait as I hear voices approach, and then grab the first figure that comes through the door. I take them by the arm and shove them against the wall, my knife against thier throat. The face comes into view and I see a familiar face.

"What the hell?" His voice is the same as I remember. The same old entitled tone. His eyes are wide in shock at the person before him.
"Heya Gally. Remember me?" I released the knife from his neck and put it in my belt, stepping back a few feet.
"Gally, you know this stick?" I heard that farmiliar British voice and I froze.
"Yeah. And you do too." He said straightening out his clothes. I turned around to look him in the face, and we both froze.

I looked into his eyes, memories flashing in my mind.

"It's a bloody girl." I heard his voice ring through the metal elevator I was in. It sounded strangely farmiliar.
"Wh-where am I? Who are you?" I looked around to see myself surrounded by boys.
"Name's Newt, and that's Alby. This is the glade. Come on, I'll show you around." He stuck his hand out for me to take and helped me out of the metal box.


"I'm Sorry, Newt. But I have to leave." I said as he held my hands in his.
"Why? Why do you have to leave? Why do they have to take you away from me again?" He responded back.
"I promised. And I need to honor my promise." Tears started welling in my eyes.
"Why does it have to be this way? Why can't it all be okay again?" His voice quivered with every word he spoke.
"I don't know. Maybe it will be someday."
"Will I ever see you again?" His voice was so full of sadness...
"Maybe. When you get out of here, come find me, okay? You come find me. I'll be waiting."
He hugged me as Alby approached.
"Time to go. The new greenie's here." I parted from the hug and smiled a broken smile. I started climbing into the box and sat down. Right before the steel doors closed, I saw the latest greenie. A blonde boy with a stocky build. I heard someone ask his name as Newt and Alby watched the doors on the box close.
"Ben. My name is Ben."

I ran over to him and hugged him tightly, his arms wrapping around me just as tight. I cried into his shoulder and he cried into mine.

"I found you. I finally found you." He laughed slightly in the middle of the scentence.
"I told you you'd find me." I smiled and could feel all the other boys eyes on us. We parted from the hug with smiles on our faces. The other boys had confused looks on their faces.

"Uhm, anyone wanna explain what just happened?" An Asian looking boy spoke up and pointed between us.
"It's... a long story." Newt said.

Suddenly, the sound of the crazed monsters that were once humans rang out.
"Yeah, one we don't have time for right now." I ran over to my bag and pulled out a set of daggers and spears.

"Here. You'll need something to defend yourselves." I threw spears and knives on the ground and all the boys ran over to get them. Luckily, I had enough for everyone. I took out my own dagger and scanned it, then held it in my hand. The crazed once-humans came rushing through the door, barreling towards us.

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