{Newt} Immune

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"Y-Y/N, I need to tell you...something." He stuttered, nerves making his whole body shake. He couldn't look at her, he just couldn't. He didn't want to tell her what he knew he couldn't avoid.
"What is it Newt?" She said, voice sweet and kind. Her mind was running with various scenarios of why he needed to talk, most ending badly. But she needed to be here for him. Whatever it was.
"I'm..." He began to speak, but his throat went raw. He couldn't speak, he could barely move, and his glassy eyes were still staring at his immaculate white shoes.
"It's ok Newt. You can tell me." Her voice gave him reassurance and hope. He couldn't find the right words to say so he just spoke his mind.

"I'm not immune." He said, loud enough for her to hear but quiet enough to try and convince himself it wasn't true.
"What?" Her voice quavered. She tried to stop it-she didn't want to show him she was weak. She felt slightly dizzy, the words he was saying only made it worse.
"I'm not immune. To the Flare." He said, tears forming in his eyes. He loved her, and he didn't want to leave her so easily. But there was no way he could stop it. And there was no way she could either.
"Oh." Her word was quiet, laced with so much sadness his heart broke as it passed his ears. She let a couple tears fall from he eyes, but she quickly looked up and wrapped her arms around him.

He was almost comfortable. Almost. He had to tell her he was leaving soon. He knew she would be more broken if he left without warning. He wrapped his arms around her to comfort her for the words he was about to speak, and kissed the top of her head.
"Y/n, they're sending me up soon." He spoke softly so only she could hear.
"When?" She said, making it so quiet she would be able to convince herself it was a lie.
"5 months." His voice was monotone, and he tried to conceal the pain. He wanted-no he needed to be strong for her. He needed her to be strong.

"5 months." She repeated, trailing off at the end. She looked up to face him, a weak yet reassuring smile on her face. "I'm gonna make a promise to you and to myself that I do as much as possible with you in these next 5 months."
He smiled weakly back, trying to send even just a little hope into her body.

Month one was spent by sneaking out and causing trouble. They would steal food from the staff kitchen, a pleasant upgrade from what they were served everyday. They would turn off all the monitoring machines and set back the research by weeks, maybe even months, as payback for making them and their friends lives a living hell. Basically, they reaked as much havoc and got as much revenge as possible.

Month two was spent sitting in a room together, for most of the day and a few nights. They would enjoy each other's company, her cuddling up to him and him keeping her warm under his arms. She would fidgit with the buttons on his shirt, and he would play with her hair or the hem of her shorts. They would talk and talk and talk, about nothing. They would play stupid games of Eye Spy and Finish My Sentence, being idiots.

Month three was spent making their friends jealous. They would give each other soft kisses and hold each other, making people look at them strangely. It did make them feel guilty in a way, but this may be the last time they see each other and remember what they had together.

Month four was drowned by tears. He would be leaving soon, and they both sobbed until they were dehydrated and the sheets were darkened by tears. They would comfort each other and cry again, repeating the same thing over and over and over.

Month five was spent by loving embraces and words of reassurance. He would hug her and kiss her neck, whispering in her ear. She would push him down and sit on top of him, leaving lipstick marks on his neck and stomach. They would stay up late and talk to one another, making sure each understood how much they loved each other.

As he was being prepped for entry into the dreaded Maze, he walked up to Thomas.
"Tommy, I need you to look after her. I want her to be there when I get out. I want you to keep her safe and reassure her that I will come back for her, no matter what. Tell her that I'm coming for her, and I won't stop until I find her and get her out."

Thomas could only nod. He knew this job he was being tasked with was important, and the next words Newt spoke would make the situation even more dire.
"She's all I have. I can't loose her."

That was all he said as they guided him away.

She couldn't let him leave without saying goodbye. She stood in front of the door, waiting for the doctors to arrive with him in tow. When they finally appeared, tears started forming. He walked over to her and offered a small smile, putting his hand on her cheek. She leaned into his hand and smiled, a tear dripping down her face.

"I'll come back for you." he spoke. "When we get out, I'll come back for you. And I'll spend the rest of my life until I die protecting you."
She could only nod, for her voice was too shakey to speak. He took her face in his hands and placed a sweet and soft kiss on her lips, one that gave her a sense of hope.

"Your all I have, and I won't let you go so easily."

Those were the last words he said before the doctors activated his Swipe and he forgot everything.

Newt Imagines {rewrites coming soon}Where stories live. Discover now