{Newt} Cancer

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I sat on my bed, shaking. My head pounded, and my body ached. My cheeks were stained from my tears and my eyes were dehydrated. I could barely breath, and the breaths I could muster came out shakey and forced. My knees were pressed to my chest and I stared at the wall, a few small tears escaping. The door opened a little while later, revealing my boyfriend Newt's face. He hurriedly rushed to my side.

"Love, what happened?" His voice was etched in concern and a small twinge of sadness.
I just stared at the wall, my mouth dry and My voice raspy.
"They came back positive." I simply spoke. It was hard for even that small amount of words to escape my lips.
"What?" He said; I'm pretty sure he knew what I was talking about.
"The tests. I-I" the words came out in raspy small breaths. "I have cancer." More tears started to fall from my eyes as I hugged my knees closer to my chest.

I hated the room I was in. It just made me feel like I was in a hospital more than I already did. For being such a high power government facility, you would think WICKED would be able to make thier room more comfortable.

Newt held me close to his chest, stroking my hair as I cried. I felt a few of his tears hit my shoulder, and he kissed me on top of my head.
"Shh, it's gonna be okay." He pulled me closer, almost as if it would be the last time he could hold me close to him.

Who knows, maybe it will be.

He pulled me away to look me in the eyes, his hands cupping my face. He pulled his lips to mine and kissed me.
When I broke away, I started crying again.
"The doctors are starting treatment tomorrow, but I don't think I'll make it. Its too far along and it's already hard for me to breathe and I just...I just don't think I'll be able to make it out of this." My voice quavered uncontrollably.
"Listen. You are going to make it, your strong, your the strongest person I know. I won't let you go so easily, you hear me? Your going to make it through this. Think about all the people who care about you. Me, Chuck, Thomas. Even Minho and you know how he is. We all care. And we all want you to make it through this. You have to try. Cause if you don't, you might die for nothing. And I can't have that." His voice started to shake and his eyes began to water, and I placed another kiss on his lips.

That night we fell asleep together curled up in my bed.

The next morning we waited, me in his arms, until the doctors came to get me. They knocked on the door at exactly half past three, right when they said they would. Me and Newt exchanged glances, and stood up. I walked over to the doctors and Newt followed, but the doctors pressed a firm hand to his chest. I looked back at him, and then to the doctor with a tight blonde bun.

"Can't he come to?" I said, forming my puppy dog eyes.
She shook her head. "Afraid not. I'm sorry."
Newt body tensed and I looked back to him, offering a small weak smile. "Its okay. I'll be fine." He smiled in return and I walked out.

Third person POV

She, in fact, was not fine. After the treatment began, she started to spiral emotionally. She would break down at certain points in the day, sometimes they were so bad she had to stay in her room all day. The doctors would bring her her food, and the only person allowed to see her would be Newt. He was the only one able to calm her down and comfort her.

The day the affects of the chemo caught up to her, she broke down into a heap. She was broken inside, and she was not the same person all her friends and her two brothers used to know. She would stare into space and not talk, except to Newt. When she spoke to him, she acted as if she were for sure going to die, telling him to make sure people remembered her.

Her health began to spiral afterwards. Her breathing slowed to a fatally slow pace, and she had to be put on oxygen. She was bed ridden soon after, not being able to walk without collapsing. Her lungs just couldn't handle it.

He stood by her side every single day. He would not leave her bed side ever, barely even to eat. When she fell asleep at night he would grab her hand, holding it tight.

Her brothers came to visit a few times. Chuck came more than Thomas did, though. She was like a mother to Chuck, being older than him by about three years. He cried more than anything else most days.

Thomas missed the small arguments they used to have. They used to fight over who was better, as most twins do. He couldn't see her like that, so he stayed out of her room.

Newt was laying next to her when it happened. He couldn't feel her breathing anymore, except for a small sigh she let out. He looked at her with concern, and she smiled at him slightly. Her hand met his cheek and she spoke raspy words.

"I'm sorry I have to leave you like this. But this isn't my choice. I love you."

Her eyes rolled back in her head and the monitors started beeping. His eyes grew wide as the doctors struggled to restart her heart, to no avail. When the monitor finally flat lined, he wailed so loud that all his friends came rushing in. His voice filled the room as well as the hall and surrounding rooms. The doctor pronounced her dead and he pushed through, placing a hand on her face.

"No no no no no. No! You can't be gone! You have to come back! Please! PLEASE!!!!" He screamed and collapsed in tears on her chest, and he could have sworn he felt her hand on his back.

A week later was her funeral. He had begged and begged WICKED to give her one, and they obliged. At the end, they all placed the flowers over her body. She was dressed in white, her hair flowing over her shoulders. He walked up to look at her, and a few tears fell on her face. It looked like she was crying too, so he wiped them away. She was happy now. She didn't have to cry anymore.

He placed the rose under hand, as well as a kiss on her forehead. He pushed a strand of hair away from her face, and walked out of the door.

Months later he visited the grave site they housed in the facility. Hers stood in a corner of the room, separated from the rest. He laid a rose on the headstone and walked out. He did this every single month, except the roses stopped coming after a while. Instead, a headstone was placed next to her with his name on it.

That was really said and really long. 1224 words to my bajeesus.

Anyway I'm back from my 'vacation' of sorts so now it's time for more updates!

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