{Thomas} 13 Reasons PT 2

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I awoke the next morning with tears in my eyes, my face puffy and red from crying too much. Its almost as if the video was confirmation that she was really gone, but I still wanted to believe she wasn't.

I lugged myself out of bed and looked at the photo strip laying on my table. I picked it up and examined it, turning it in my hands. She was so beautiful, everything about her. Her smile, her eyes, her lips, her laugh. But now she's gone.

I set it down and slipped on my jacket over my t-shirt and walked outside, heading in the direction of the abandoned fairgrounds. I walked into the woods just past the fairground and walked along the path, looking up. I climbed the big tree up to the tree house and looked inside, seeing the scattered books and pop cans. I opened up the metal mailbox and pulled out the envelope, then sat down on the old beanbag chair. I pulled my laptop from my bag and opened the envelope, pouring out its contents.


Congratulations! You found my second letter. That means you know the first reason why I did this to myself. I hope that you gave Dylan a good scare when you saw him again. He was probably confused.

Anyway, here is the second reason. Enclosed is another video explaning why, accompanied by a ring. This was the ring my mom gave my dad for thier anniversary, but he told me to keep it safe. So now I'm giving it to you.

Keep it safe. And hold it close. Its important.

I miss you.

I set the letter down and picked up the ring, turning it upside down and back again in my hands. It was just a simple silver ring, patterns and shapes etched into it. I put it in my pocket and put the CD into my computer.

Hey Thomas. I'm glad you made it through the first reason. I thought you'd get yourself arrested for murdering Dylan. I mean, I wouldn't complain but I'm still glad you didn't do anything stupid.

Let's get right to the point. My second reason is Kaya.

I remember me and Kaya being best friends. When I first moved here she kinda took me in and helped me, making sure everyone wasn't messing with me or talking about me. She was probably blinded from what Dylan was saying cause of her crush on him but that's not the point here.

Anyway, a few months later we started growing distant. I expected it. Sometimes it just happens to good friends. But what hurt most is that she, instead of sticking up for me, laughed along with the jerks making fun of me. It was like I had all of a sudden become dirt on her shoe, and she just wanted to scrape me on the pavement to get me off.

Whenever we would pass in the halls she would bump my shoulder. Whenever I was changing after gym she'd help the other girls prank me. She wrote on my locker and took pictures of me when I wasn't looking. Basically, my best friend made me feel like total trash.

Honestly, I don't care about any of that anymore. I've always wanted the people around me to be happy, and if bringing me down makes her happy, whatever. It doesn't matter anymore.

So, Thomas, I'm making one special exception for this one. I want you to ask Kaya why she enjoyed doing this. Find the answer. Tell her what she did. Make her hurt inside like she made me feel. She needs to know.

And with that, goodbye again Thomas. You'll find the next envelope in Orvilles Corner Store. Remember to keep this CD safe.

I miss you.

With that, she turned off the camera. I closed my laptop slowly, stuffing it back in my bag. I was trying to comprehend why anyone, especially Kaya, would do that to anyone. I remember Y/N and Kaya being really good friends at the beginning of the year, so what happened? It all irritated and annoyed me.

The next morning I approached Kaya with determination.
"Kaya, can we talk?" I said pulling her aside.
"Uh yeah. What's up?"
"Why did you do it?" The words tumbled out of my mouth like water down a waterfall that slowly plunges you into death.
"Do what?"
"Push Y/N aside like that? Why did you?" I looked at her and a new tone laced my voice.
"I-I dont know what you mean-"
"Yeah you do. Don't lie. I want an answer."
"Look we just drifted apart, okay? That's it. " She grabbed her bag and started walking off towards class.
"Then why did she kill herself because of it?" I spoke softly, my voice cracking
"N-No, I can't have anything to do with that...it was just a couple pranks..." She walked off mumbling to herself. I leaned my head against the lockers and decided it would be best to skip first period.

I walked into the bathroom and locked myself inside, breaking down in tears. I stared at the ring that was wrapped around my finger, and I sobbed. I screamed and I sobbed.

She was gone.

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