{Thomas} The Bad Girl's Boy (Pt 2)

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Warning: there will be smut in this chapter. If you don't wish to read it, just don't read this chapter. If you do, try not to cringe too much.

Okay so this is gonna be very different than the smut I've written before in previous books. I got this idea while reading a Maze Runner smuts book. So here goes. This will be pretty descriptive so just let me know if you guys hate it.

Thomas is a boy I never thought I would end up with. After years of dating dirtbags and assholes who only wanted me for the body I was in, I stopped believing any nice and decent guy would like me. Like me for me I mean. Thomas is....different.

He seems to want all of me. My body, my mind, my personality, everything. He treats me like an actual human instead of a hot girl who only dresses the way she does cause she wants attention. I dress the way I do to feel confident, not to be looked at as an object. Thomas treats me as somebody with real feelings.

Ever since the day we went to the train station I've been thinking about him constantly. The first time he called me princess I got butterflies everywhere, and the first time he touched me I went numb. It was like a dream almost, to finally feel like someone loves you, or even likes you, for you.

We had been together for 6 months, the winter slowly closing in. I was sitting with him on the couch after a long day working at the coffee shop-still in my uniform-, watching a few movies to pass the time. I popped some popcorn in my mouth, focusing on the movie. I smirked as a thought came to my mind.
I leaned my head up and began kissing Thomas' neck. My hand found it's way to the side of his face, steadying it as I continued to plant kisses to his collar bone.

"Love, what are you doing?" He said, his voice strained as I bit down on his collarbone a bit.
"Playing." I said, moving back to his neck. "Just watch the movie." I climbed over him so I was straddling his waist, continuing to go at his neck. I knew it was driving him crazy, as I could feel his breath hitch.
"Your making it hard love." He said, pulling my head away to meet his.
"I know." I whispered, leaning in slowly. I smirked as I pulled away, rolling my hips in the process. I smirked at Thomas as he looked at me.
"You know how much I hate it when you tease me Princess." His voice was deep and raspy, making my whole inside full with heat.
"What are you gonna do about it Pretty Boy?" I whispered in his ear. He took me by the hips and pulled me against his stomach.
"I'll just have to punish you I guess."
"Let's see what you got then."
His lips connected to mine swiftly, no space between us, not even air. He traced the outline of my lips with his tongue, making me moan out. He slipped his tongue in slowly, battling me for dominance. He lifted me up off his lap as he stood up, keeping me connected to him the whole time. He slowly and carefully carried me up the stairs, although I'm not sure how he managed it while making out with me at the same time. He took me into my bedroom and kicked the door shut, pinning me against the wall before roughly nipping at my neck. He knew all the things to say and do to drive me crazy; this was one of them.

I moaned out quietly as he hit my sweet spot, feeling him smirk into my collar bone.
"T-Thomas..." I whispered out, feeling week under his touch.
"What's the matter Princess? Not so confident in your teasing now are you?" His voice melted me like butter and I couldn't help but let out a soft whimper.
"P-Please Tommy...." I looked into his eyes with pleading ones of my own.
"Now now love. I'm in control here." He picked me up again and practically threw me down on the bed. He removed his shirt and threw it aside, coming down to meet my lips again. I traced my hands over his abs as he undid each button on my shirt, lifting my torso up to take it off. He slowly slid down the straps of my bra, undoing it and throwing it aside as if it was nothing.

His hand moved under my pants and just hovered there, teasing me. He went back to biting my neck, his hand finally making contact with my entrance through my underwear. He made small circles, leaving me a mess underneath him. His undid my pants with his free hand, pulling them down slowly, as well as my underwear. I traced down his torso to his pants hem, undoing the button and pulling them down slowly. He kicked them off quickly, leaving him in only his boxers.
"Oh Princess. You're so eager." My breath hitched at his voice and his words. I felt his hot breath against my entrance, forcing me to close my eyes. He moved his tongue from from the bottom to just below my panty line, making me squirm. I felt him lick around my clit as he pressed his hands against my thighs, giving me goosebumps. I went to move my hands but he pinned them down, rendering me unable to move. I moaned louder than before as he let go of one hand and pumped two fingers inside of me, forcing me to move my hand to tangle in his hair.

"F-Fuck." I mumbled out, barely able to form a sentence. "I'm so close." At the last second he pulled away, leaving me a shaking mess. "What the hell?"
"That's what you get for teasing me." He whispered in my ear. "Princess doesn't get to do anything without permission." He kissed me on the lips and took my arm by the wrist, setting my hand on the waist band of his boxers, my fingers curling around it. I pulled them down as his hands guided my arms, my eyes closed.

"Keep your eyes closed love. Don't open until I tell you." He whispered it in my ear, so close I could feel his breath on me. I gasped as I felt him enter me slowly, letting me get used to him. I let out a soft moan as he began to thrust into me, my eyes shut tight. My moans got louder as the speed increased, my hands wrapping around Thomas' back and gripping it. Just like he knows what makes me crazy I know what makes him crazy. One thing is scratches.

I felt the knot tighten in my lower stomach, signaling I was close.
"Thomas, I'm gonna c-cu-"
"Do it Princess." He said. "Cum for me. And open your eyes." He leaned down next to my ear. "I wanna see your eyes roll back in your head." That's what tipped me over the edge. I opened my eyes and let out a loud moan as I released, my eyes rolling back. Thomas came soon after me, his thrust becoming sloppy. He pulled out and laid next to me, his breathing heavy.

"Maybe I should punish you more often." He smirked at me.
"Maybe I should tease you more often."  He kissed me on the top of my head and covered us with the blanket.
"Happy 6 month anniversary Princess. I love you."
"I love you too."

So I need you guys to tell me if you hated that or not. If you didn't hate it, then I'll keep writing like that. If you do hate it, I'll go back to my original style. Honestly, this style was more fun to write but whatever. And this chapter was long af so thanks for sticking through all of it.

Again, let me know what you though in the comments.

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