{Newt} Glade Prom

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This ones gonna be a long one cause I don't feel like making a part two to this so get some snacks ready kiddies.

"Hey Teresa, do you remember something called Prom?" I said, turning to the two other girls here. She thought for a moment while I fixed the sheets.
"Yeah, slightly. I don't know who I went with but I remember going." She said, fluffing her own pillow. I sat down on my bed, watching her.
"I bet you went with Tom." I said, wiggling my eyebrows. She rolled her eyes at me.
"Thomas and I probably weren't friends before this, let alone a couple. I doubt it." She plopped down on her own bed.
"I bet you went with Newt." The other girl Alexis said.
"No, I don't think so. We're friends now and that's probably all we've ever been. I don't think it's likely." I pulled my legs to my chest.

In case you couldn't already tell, I have a thing for Newt. Everyday I realized just how addicted I am to his smile and his hair and his literally everything. I've fallen in love with him, and I'm not entirely sure I can get back up.

"Whatever." Teresa sighed. A few seconds later, Thomas, Minho, and Newt came to the door.
"Ladies." Minho said. "And Y/N." I rolled my eyes.
"Gentlemen. And Minho." I remarked back. I was kinda the Tom-boy of the Glade, which is why I was made Co-Keeper of the builders. He stuck his tounge out at me and I stuck mine out at him.

"What do you guys need?" Alexis asked. Minho gave her a large smile and she blushed. I smirked at her and she hit my arm.
"Alby said he needs you guys' help with something. Something about the animals?" Newt said, looking to me and smiling. I looked to the ground and blushed. Alby usually had us help with stuff like taking care of animals and consoling the greenies that come each month. He also asked me to help with building designs and building stuff, and Alexis helps with ripped clothes and sewing and stuff. We each have something we do around here apart from our other duties.

"Sure thing. We'll go see what he needs." Teresa said. "Come on girls." She smiled and stood up, me standing next to her, and following her out. I stopped by where Minho was standing.

"By the way, your hair's going flat." He got a panicked look on his face and started touching it. We all laughed as he did so, then he stood up and looked and me.
"Not. Funny. Y/n." I laughed more.
"It was just a little bit." Then Minho started laughing too. We all said goodbye and walked out, going to wherever Alby was. Apparently, some of the animals had gotten out, and we had to rangle them back into thier ranch. Once we had all that done, Alby had me, Teresa, and Alexis look over the supply count. That's when I had an idea.

"Hey, Alby?" I said and he turned to me. "What if this month instead of a bonfire we have a prom?" He leaned back.
"You've caught my attention. Continue."
"Well, maybe we can organize it." I pointed to me, Alexis, and Teresa. "We can drop a note in the box and get some extra supplies, maybe some dresses and tuxes, we can pick flowers, get lights-" I continued on throwing out ideas, and Alby kept nodding. By the time I was done talking, he was convinced.
"I like it. Go ahead and do it. Maybe it'll add a different spice to the Glade. I'll call everyone to announce it. You guys can pitch it." He smiled as we walked out. We all wrote letters to the creators asking for decorations and supplies, aiming to make this amazing. Once we dropped it in and closed the box, we waited to hear the box go down. Sure enough, it did two seconds later. Alby waved us over so we could explain.

"Everyone slim it!" Newt yelled as he stood beside Alby. He saw me walk over and smile, and I smiled back.
"Okay. Today Y/n, Teresa, and Alexis had an idea. I've approved it, but we want you all to enjoy it too. Ladies, go on." He motioned towards us.
"Well, we had the idea of a prom." Murmurs erupted through the crowd and someone yelled a 'shut up!' Before everyone quieted down. "Anyway, it'll be like bonfires, except with music and dancing. Everyone can go with their friends as dates and there's gonna be food. Frypan, do you think you can make enough?" I looked to him and he nodded.
"With the right ingredients, yep." He smiled and I continued.

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