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Please read until the end. I want to set a few things straight.

So, I want to use this chance to say hi! Hello. How are things going for for you today? Are you healthy? How's your family? How have you been?

But also to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry I took a break from this book for so long, but I've almost run out of ideas at this point. I'm trying to fish out some new things but it's a liiiiitle difficult. (If anyone has any ideas let me know.)
I'm also not 100% happy with the way I wrote these previous chapters. No, I'm not taking down the book. I'm going to be doing a rewrite. Any imagines I'm not too happy about how it came out, I'll be rewriting in a different way to better fit my style. I've grown, a lot, since starting this book, and I want to show my growth by keeping my old stuff up and making new stuff out of the old.

Third order of business,
Traffic has slowed down on this book since my absence yes but
OVER 100K READS? What?
You guys have no idea how insane that is, especially since I've been gone for so long. Thank you to everyone who stuck it out with me for this long.

Speaking of rewrites, I know a lot of you may have found my account through a book called WCKD Love. I just wanted to say...
I'm rewriting that too!
The plot makes a lot more sense now, I've fully fleshed out how I want the story to go, I'm updating more frequently, and it's overall going to be a way better story than before! I would really appreciate you guys giving that book as much love as you have this one and gave it before the rewrite.

I just want to thank you so much again for all the support you've still given me while I was away. To any new readers, hi! Thanks for the support! And to any old readers who have been here through the almost three years I've been doing this, thank you for putting up with my complete BS breaks I take.

And if you made it to the end, because I know some people quit reading halfway through or don't read authors notes at all,
Thank you twice as much.
For listening.

Newt Imagines {rewrites coming soon}Where stories live. Discover now