{Thomas} Water

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WARNING: There will be smut. I am sorry. This might be a longer one as well. Again, I'm sorry.

Just for reference, in this imagine you are 17 and Thomas is 19 and has already graduated.

I finished tying the strings on my bikini top around my neck. I fixed my hair briefly and put my sunglasses on, grabbed my towel, wrote a note to my mom and headed outside. I met up with my boyfriend Thomas on our walk out of the apartment building and to his car, him opening the door for me and waiting for me to get in. We drove down to the beach where we would be spending the afternoon per Thomas' request.

Due to me being still in school and Thomas always away with work, we barely got any time to hang out. Today is one of the exceptions. I'm just finally excited to be able to be with him.

When we got to the beach, we decided to sit in the middle towards the water. We spread out our blankets and stuff and sat down, watching the water. Thomas went off to get some ice cream as I sat there, watching the waves roll in. A few girls I recognized from school came up to me, and I knew what they were about to do. Be their classic bitch selves.

"Are you all alone again? Poor baby." The blonde-who obviously had box dyed hair and implants-spoke up. "No boyfriend to keep you company?"
"Why don't you go back to yours before he goes off with some other chick?" I snapped back, not looking up.
"At least I have one." She said. "Unlike you." As if on cue, Thomas came back with ice cream.

"Here yah go, love." He said, handing me my ice cream. He seemed to see the girls behind me and decided to play along.
"Thanks babe." I made sure to put emphasis on the word babe to show the girls. I took a bite of my ice cream, purposely leaving a small bit on the side of my mouth.
"You have a little something...right...there." Thomas took his thumb and wiped it off my cheek.
"Thanks." I scooted closer to him and he put his arm around me, then I looked back up at the girls. "You were saying?"

They looked at me, dumbfounded.
"Stop stuttering. Makes you sound almost as ridiculous as you look." I said, taking a bite of my ice cream. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Thomas chuckle a bit.

When the girls walked away, I laughed to myself and gave myself a mental high five

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When the girls walked away, I laughed to myself and gave myself a mental high five.
"That was great, love." Thomas said, kissing me lightly. I could taste the ice cream on his lips.
"Mmm. Chocolate." I said, smiling. Thomas chuckled. He kissed me again, my hands wrapping up in his hair. When we broke apart, I stood up and started running towards the water.

"Well? Are you coming?" I yelled as Thomas stood up. He threw off his shirt and ran towards me, scooping me up and throwing me in the water.

~Two Hours Later~

After swimming for about two hours, Thomas decided we should go for a drive. We drove down to a viewing area, a place we had gone many times when we first started dating. It was around 6:00 and the sun was starting to set, so we sat there and watched it. I cuddled closer to him as best I could, and his arm was around me.

"When do you have to be home by?" He said, looking down at me.
"My curfews at 10." I said, looking up at him. He gave me a small smirk before leaning in and touching our lips together.

The kiss started out slow and passionate, but soon turned hungry and lustful

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The kiss started out slow and passionate, but soon turned hungry and lustful. He wrapped his arms around my back, pulling my body closer. I wrapped my fingers up in his hair, tugging a bit. I smiled when he moaned into my mouth, knowing he loved it when I did that. I swung my leg over and straddled his lap, my back against the steering wheel.

His tongue grazed over my lip, asking for entrance. I denied, smirking when he huffed out of frustration. I kept teasing him until he put his hands on my butt, surprising me with a gasp. He won dominance over me quickly and started leaving wet, sloppy kisses on my neck. I tugged at the bottom of his shirt impatiently.

He helped me tug it off and threw it to the backseat, doing the same with mine as well as my bikini top. I leaned the car seat back so I was now lying on top of him, my legs entangled with his. He wrapped his fingers up in the belt loops of my shorts, tugging on them to pull them down. I helped my undoing the buckle and moving my legs so they could easily come off along with my swim bottoms. Once they were off I threw them in the backseat, beginning to tug on Thomas' swim trunks. They came off quickly and Thomas flipped over so now he was on top of me. He went back to my neck, nipping and biting, definitely leaving a mark. I moaned as he did so, my head tipping back.

I suddenly felt a pressure down by my lower stomach as he entered me slowly, another soft moan escaping from my lips. I closed my eyes and let him do as he wanted, my brain clouding over from all the pleasure.
Within a few minutes I felt a knot form in my stomach, my muscles tightening. Thomas' thrust became sloppy, telling me he was close, too. I gripped onto his back as both him and I released, more moans escaping from each of us. Thomas collapsed next to me, pulling me close into his chest as we both panted.

"Best date ever." I said between pants. Thomas kissed my forehead.
"Yes it was."

I deeply apologize for how much cringe this caused you. I am just as ashamed of myself and you are of me. But, if I did a smutshot day like once a month, would you guys be okay with that? Lemme know.

Also, thank you guys so much for over 16K views! It means so much to me that you guys like this, especially considering this was a re-publish. Thank you!


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