{Newt} Remember me? Part Two

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They came rushing in, one Crank after another, speeding towards us. I pulled the dagger from my belt and readied myself, knowing every weakness these things had. I stabbed one in the leg as I slid between a narrow gap, then sliced the back of its neck. I stabbed another in the chest and and swung at it, but another grabbed my arm and threw me into a wall. My head hit first, sending a numbing pain through my skull. I felt a small bit of blood trickle down my neck, and I started seeing small stars.

"Y/N!" I heard Newt yell my name and he came rushing over, making sure I was ok.

"Newt, duck!" I yelled. He moved his head and I slashed at the crank, making a cut so deep it's head was close to falling off. I slid out of the way as another came towards us, then stabbed it in the chest. I stood next to Newt, looking at the bodies scattered around the room of the abandoned building.

"Bloody hell! What were those things?"
"Cranks." I said, calmly. I slipped my dagger back in the holster I fashioned from old clothing and started dragging the bodies out the back of the building.
"Cranks?" The Asian boy asked.
"Zombie like creatures infected with the Flare. Totally harmless. Unless they're past the Gone. Then you have an issue." I dragged another body out.
"Ok that didn't explain a thing." Another boy said.

I turned to face them. "These things are possibly the most dangerous thing alive right now. Beside WICKED obviously. One bite from these fuckers is as toxic as ten spider bites."
"Ok, first of all, who the hell are you?" The Asian boy spoke. This one had an attitude. "Second of all, how do you know about WICKED?"

"My name is Y/N. And I know about WICKED the same way you do."
"The maze?" I nodded.
"That's not possible. Teresa was the only girl."
"No she wasn't." Gally spoke, for the first time since the attack started.
"What do you mean she wasn't?" A chubby boy asked.
"Y/N was one of the first of us. Came right after me." Newt said. "The Creators made us send her back down though one month later."
"And they sent me here." I said. "I've spent three years in the Scorch. I know more about it than most people." I leaned up against the wall. "Anymore questions? No? Good. My turn. Who are you?"

"Y/N, that's Minho, Chuck, and Thomas." Newt said.
"Where's Alby?" Everyone fell silent. "Oh." I said. "Anyway, can you guys help me with these bodies?" I grabbed the arm of one and dragged it. Everyone else followed suit.

"What are we doing with them anyway?" Minho asked as he plopped the last one down.
"Burn them. If we don't it will alert any cranks that pass by we were here." I pulled out my match box and lit the match. "I'd cover your noses." They all put the cloth over thier noses and mouths as I burned the bodies. I walked back inside and began collecting all my things.

As I was about to leave, the boys caught up.
"Where are you going?" Newt asked, a kind of sadness in his voice.
"I have to leave. The Cranks know I'm here. Your welcome to come along if you'd like." I said, adjusting my backpack.
"I don't know about anyone else, but I'm going with her." Thomas said. "She's our best bet in getting to the Safe Haven."
"I'm coming too." Newt said.
"Me too." Minho said. "As much as I don't trust her, I want to get out of here more."
"So it's settled then. We leave at dawn, when it's coolest."

"Why not now? It's night so it'll be colder." Chuck said.
"It's bad to move in groups at night. Harder to run from Cranks. Plus, it's time for the nightly storm." I said, plopping my stuff down on the ground.
"Nightly storm?" As Minho said that, a sound of thunder ripped the air.
"Take a look." I said, and pointed to the door.

They peeked out, seeing the streaks of lightning hit the ground and send up sparks.
"Yeah, probably best to not leave now." Chuck said.
"You might want to search the place for supplies. I myself have plenty. For one person. There should be food around here somewhere. I would start upstairs."

I walked up the stairs and crossed the gap, hopping over to the other side. I walked into a room on the left and climbed up the ladder I had built to reach the 'room with only three walls' as I called it. I sat on the edge of the missing wall, my legs dangling down into the abyss. I stared at the lightning storm ahead, wonder about what layed beyond the reaches of my memories.

I pulled out the WICKED tablet I had stolen before I was left here and plugged in the earbuds. I turned on the music and listened, intently staring at the storm. I heard faint footsteps behind me and saw Newt sit down beside me, looking where I was. I took out my earbuds as he started to talk.

"Three years, huh?"
"Seems more like 30, but yeah."
"How do you even live here? It seems like Hell."
"It is. But you learn to deal when you have nowhere to go."
There was a silence.
"I missed you." I said.
"I missed you, too." He responded.

I turned to look at him, and he turned to look at me. I saw him take a gulp and he quickly moved in, pressing his lips on mine. I was surprised at first, but then gave in. It sent an electric shock through my body, or maybe that was just the distant storm. His hand came up to my cheek and pushed my hair back, his hand resting there. I scooted closer so our knees were touching and my hand lay on his. I leaned closer into the kiss, enjoying the feeling.

"Ahem." I heard someone clear thier throat behind us and turned, seeing Minho standing there with a smirk on his face.
"Slim it." Newt said.

Yall want a part three? Lemme know in the comments.

Also sorry for killing you guys, mah bad.

Newt Imagines {rewrites coming soon}Where stories live. Discover now