{Thomas} I Really Admire You

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Your friends are people you hang out with, people you would do anything for, right? Well what is it when you feel like you could talk to them for hours or like you can do anything when they're around cause they give you so much strength? What is that called? I think it's called a crush.

Well, that's what I have on you, Thomas. I have a big one on you.

I closed my notebook and slammed it down on my floor, having it land on a pile of crumpled papers. I had been trying to write this letter to Thomas for forever, but everytime it sounded stupid and dumb at the same time.

You see, Thomas is my best friend, and we have been since our first play in drama club in 8th grade. When I met him I didn't have many friends, as I wasn't the social type except for on stage. Thomas came over and introduced himself after we had gotten assigned our parts and it was revealed we were the leads together. From then on we've hung out a lot, worked on school projects together, he may have gotten drunk a few times and I had to take him home, but I don't wanna just be friends anymore. And it's killing me not to be able to call him mine.

Like, seriously. I'm physically dying inside.

And he's even supposed to be picking me up in an hour to go to the movies. Yup. Me and him, in a dark theatre, alone with none of our other friends around. Uhggg this is not gonna be good. Oh well, I'll try.

I set my notebook aside and stood up, walking over to my closet to pick something out. I rummaged through until I found a blue and black dress that seemed casual enough, and a denim jacket. I took it off the hanger and set it down in the bathroom, taking my hair out of its bun, and starting the water in the shower. I hopped in and washed everything off, trying to calm my nerves. I got out and dried off, using my hair dryer to dry my hair off. I hung my head upside down for maximum floofage, then flipped it back and was happy with the product. I put on the dress and jacket, adding a silver game controller necklace and black and purple bracelet set. I sprayed my hair with hair spray and put on lipstick and eyeliner, finishing my look. As I finished up and stuffed everything into my purse-including my failed attempt at a note-there was a knock on the door.

I opened it up to reveal a nice looking Thomas, his button up shirt untucked from his jeans. He was smiling and it forced me to smile.

"You look beautiful." He said sweetly making me blush.
"Thanks." I smiled and nervously tucked my hair behind my ear, which Thomas quickly moved back out.
"You look better with your hair untucked." He gently lay my hair down on my shoulder, back to it's original position. "There." His fingers brushed along the side of my cheek as he moved them, and it sent chills down my back.

"Ready to go?" He said, as if nothing happened.
"Yeah." I smiled and locked my door, walking with Thomas down to his car. He opened the door for me and I got inside, strapping in to the seat belt. We talked on the way to the movie, mainly about life and what's been going on. When we get to the movie theatre, we walked in, grabbed our tickets, and went to sit down. Thomas had forced me to watch The Purge, since he knows I'm not good with horror movies. Sometime I want to smack that annoyingly adorable boy in the face.

We sat down in the movie theatre as the previews started, towards the back of the theatre. I watched the screen in an attempt to get rid of my nervousness, for sitting in the back of a dark movie theatre with your crush is very unnerving and will make you anxious. I take a glance out of the corner of my eye towards Thomas, whose also staring at the screen. He catches my eye and smiles, and I smile back.

Towards the middle of the movie, everything goes silent. Suddenly there's a loud noise that makes me jump and cover my eyes-BY USING THOMAS'S ARM!! Like physically hiding my face in the side of his chest. Kill me I've just made a fool of myself.

Surprisingly Thomas doesn't find it weird. He kinda just...holds me there for a while. It made me feel...weird? It felt nice to be honest. Comforting even. His arm wrapped around me as I silently slapped myself in the face. I recoiled back and blushed, avoiding his gaze. When I sat back up he left his arm there for a while, just resting around me. I unconsciously scooted towards him, letting his arm wrap all the way around me.

Once the movie was over, his arm coiled back from its place around me. It felt so natural that I barely noticed it there. I stood up and stretched, as did Thomas. We made our way out of the theatre and were on the way to the car, which was in the back of the parking lot. I decided now was the time.

"Hey, um, Thomas?" I started rummaging through my purse to find the letter but couldn't find it.
"Hmm?" He stopped and turned to me as we reached the car.
"Well, I was planning on writing you a letter to give to you but I guess I'll just say it. I've been trying to come with a way to for a while, all of which weren't that good, but um what I'm trying to say is," I finally met his gaze. "I really admire you. And not like a friend. Like something more." He stood there silent and I face palmed. "Gosh I was so stupid why did I even say any-" Suddenly I felt a hand on my chin pulling my head up and a pair of lips crash into mine. I was surprised at first but then I realized what was going on, and kissed back.

"I really admire you too." He smiled at me and kissed me again, and a rumble of thunder rang out.
"Thomas it's gonna rain."
"I don't care." And he kissed me again.

Hey guys! This one was a bit longer to make up for the fact I didn't update last weekend. I know the end is really cliche but that's how I write things.

Anyway, there will be some more mature (not smut, but mature) imagines and one shots on the way. So be prepared!

Also, thanks so much for almost 1K views! It means a lot. If you like these then you should check out my other book WICKED Love


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