{Newt} Storm

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We ran from the bus, the sand being kicked up from the winds blowing into our eyes and mouths, the cranks snarling behind us. We ran towards the compound, the huge concrete structure looking at us from its perch on the mountain of sand. We ran towards it, the only thought in our mind was getting there, and not even thinking of who these men were.

Once we were inside we heard gunshots. Millions of them. A storm, a downpour, of bullets piercing through dead, rotten flesh. I kept running, we all did, until we knew we where secured inside. When we were ushered into a back room I finally calmed a bit, but my mind was blank and fuzzy. While everyone else was eating I just sat in the corner, staring off into nothing.

When everyone was having the food fight I sat in the corner and cried. A shadow approached over and sat next to me, and I turned to see my boyfriend Newt next to me. He saw the hurt, the fear, in my eyes and simply pulled me close to him, my head resting on his chest. I cried into his shirt, gripping the back, my tears staining it. When the doctors came to get us I reluctantly got up, following them. They took me into a doctors room, all of us, and sat me down in a chair. They took a vial of blood, and all the while I was watching Newt. They were injecting him with something, and he looked at me. I winced when they took the needle out, and he flinched we they put his needle in. As I was watching him they pulled the curtains over the area I was in, blocking my view.

It was a storm of tests, a flurry of doctors, all scurrying around to finish the tests. And the whole time I just wanted to leave and be with Newt.

And yet they separate us again, me and Teresa in one room, the boys in another. I hated it. I usually slept with Newt, but I couldn't tonight. I couldn't sleep at all. I lay there staring at the ceiling, listening to the sounds of the sand storms and the cranks banging on the walls. Tears formed in my eyes until a few tears silently slipped down my cheeks, no noise being ushered from me.

There was commotion outside, a storm of voices ringing through the common room outside my door. I recognized them as my friends, but I still decided not to stir from my bed. They tried opening my door, but the handle was locked and/or stuck. They kept trying and I heard Minho yell, then suddenly there was slam and the door burst open. Light flooded in and I had to cover my eyes, and I remembered waking up in the box. It brought back bad and horrible memories. I sat up a bit, looking around for Newt. I saw him a few seconds later pushing through the crowd towards me, and he swept me up in a huge hug.

"I panicked. I thought...god I thought they took you." He whispered, still holding me.
"Im fine now, Newt. I'm fine." A few tears escaped and dropped down onto his clean linen white shirt. He pulled my head away and looked at me, using his thumbs to wipe away my tears. His lips crashed into mine and a flurry of emotions erupted through me, a storm of passion exploding between us. We broke away and he held me again, and then a crank banged on the window, scaring me. I jumped and I snuggled tighter into Newt's, the sight of the crank burning my eyes into fear. He held me and pulled me close while the rest of the Gladers bustled around.


We layed down inside the small metal building while the lightning storm outside raged on. All I could do was sit in the corner and stare into space, for what I had seen was enough to scare me to death. It was the last glimpse of my innocence, for I had just shot a small child with an arrow. Newt grabbed my arm and pulled me into his lap, holding me.

"I'm sorry you had to do that." He said, pulling me close.

"I just...can't believe....he was so little." It was true. The child was only about four.

"It's alright. Shhh it's alright." He pat my back and kissed me, passionately. I kissed back slowly, my hands resting on his chest. He slowly pushed me down onto the floor, laying on top of me. He kissed me rougher and his hands went to my lower back, pushing me closer to him. He moved his lips to my neck, kissing and biting.

"N~Newt, stop. Not...not here." I tangled my hands into his hair, tugging lightly.
"I don't bloody care." He kissed me again, then went back to going away at my neck.

The thunder roared outside and, let's just say it wasn't the only thing roaring that night.

I don't know what the hell I was trying to do at the end but it was supposed to be a sexual innuendo.

I know this update is late, and so will the update for WICKED Love, but there was so much happening today. Also I wanna thank you for over 1K reads! It means a lot to me especially since this is a re upload.

Thanks for reading!


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