{Newt} Spin The Bottle

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Don't judge my song choice. I feel it fits ok?

We sat around in a circle by the bonfire, talking and laughing. By this time most of us were drunk from Gally's "special drink" and our judgement was slightly impared.

"Guys guys guys. Lesss play truthh orr dar. But spinnnn the bottlesssss." Minho said, very extremely drunk.
"First of all, Minho get some water your extremely drunk and second of all, I say we do it." I said, again judgement slightly impared. Thomas handed Minho some water and went to grab a bottle, coming back with a water bottle. He placed it in the middle of the circle of gladers, then sat next to me.

"Who goes first?" Thomas asked.
Minho, who (amazingly) had sobered up enough to play the game coherently, spoke up.
"Me!" he said and spun the bottle. It landed on Teresa.
"Teresa, truth or dare?"
"Hmmm truth."
Minho smirked. "Out of all of us here, who would you want to make out with in the woods?"

Teresa's face turned beat red and she nervously laughed. "Hehe probably....Thomas." She said, while letting out nervous chuckles. We all laughed.
"Thomas? Of all people? Ok...." Minho said. "Your turn Teresa."

Teresa spun the bottle and it landed on Gally.
"Truth or dare?" She said, taking a swig of the drink.
"Dare." He said, almost challengingly.
"I dare you to throw a bottle of the drink into the fire to see if it explodes."
"Easy." He said, and chucked it into the fire. It sent a crap ton of sparks everywhere, but it didn't explode.

Gally spun the bottle and it pointed towards Minho again.
"Truth or-"
"Dare." He said.
"I dare you to prance around the Glade and scream 'IM GAY!'." Everyone burst out laughing as Minho hopped up, skipped around and screamed "IM GAY" at the top of his lungs.

He sat back down and I rolled around on the floor hysterically laughing. I sat up in time for me to see the bottle land on me.
"Truth or dare?" Minho said.
"Dare." I challenged, something I would later regret.
He smirked evily. "I dare you to take off your shirt."

Since I was extremely drunk at the time, I did exactly that, feeling a cool breeze as I was left in my bra and denim shorts. I saw Newt shift uncomfortably next to me and bite his lip, but I payed no mind to it. I spun the bottle and it landed on Teresa again, so I dared her to the same as me. The sly little bitch had on a tank top so it didn't work to take any of the attention off me. Finally, she spun the bottle and it landed on Thomas.

"Truth...or dare?" She put emphasis on the dare part.
"Dare." Thomas challenged.
"I dare you to kiss Y/N." She said smirking. My cheeks felt hot and I flushed bright pink. Thomas turned to face me and I turned to face him. As he leaned in I saw Newt get up and walk into the Deadheads, looking quite upset. I turned my head to watch him and Thomas hit the ground, kissing the dirt instead of me. I got up and walked over to the Deadheads, following Newt.

"Newt? Newt? Newt!" I yelled as he came into view.
"What?" he said in a quiet yet frustrated voice.
"Your acting wierd. What's wrong?" He just looked at me, a kind of sad puppy dog expression on his face. Before I knew it his lips were on mine, moving in circles.

At first I was startled, but I started getting more comfortable and kissed back. He pinned me to a tree and continued to kiss me, then pulled away.

"I wanted to be the one to kiss you, not Tommy." He said, voice kinda low. I grabbed his face and kissed him again, then parted.
"I never wanted to kiss Thomas anyway." I smirked and leaned back towards him, a kiss that turned into a full blown make out session. I heard cat calls from the other Gladers, especially the group of spin the bottle players. I simply held up my middle finger and continued making out with him.

Early update! I'm proud of myself!

Word count: 715

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