{Newt} Secret

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Newt pulled me to the side away from the rest of the group.
"We can't keep hiding like this." He says, a kind of pleading in his voice.
"We have to. Nobody can know what you remember. Nobody can know what we remember." I say, staring into his eyes.
"Why not?"
"Because. You saw what happened to Thomas and Teresa back in the Glade. I don't want that to happen to us."
"Good point."
"We just have to keep this secret for now, ok?"
"I can deal with that." He said softly, stepping forward. He layed his hands on my waist and scooted me closer. I entwined my hand in his hair and pulled him closer, connecting his lips to mine. He slipped his fingers into the belt loops on my pants and pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. He flicked my lip with his tounge asking for entry. I teased and denied, hearing him growl a little. I smirked and giggled, but heard someone call our names. We parted and walked back over.

"Where were you two?" Minho said, his eyebrow raising.
"We were just...talking." I say, smiling.
"Yeah. Talking." Newt said, smirking at me. I hit his arm and laughed. We'd been dropping small hints for a while now, but apparently everyone was slightly blind.
"Ok then..." Minho said, skeptically.

When we were done eating, I made my way over to the makeshift tent that me and Teresa slept in. It was amazing how many supplies are left over after a zombie-like infestation and a natural disaster nobody thought would happen. I sat down on the blanket as Teresa walked in.

"Ok, spill." She said, sitting down.
"Spill what?" I asked, turning to her.
"What were you and Newt actually doing over there?"
"We were talk-"
"Don't say you were talking. I know that's a lie."
I hesitate. "Me and Newt are dating."
"Shh keep it down! We're trying to keep it secret."
"Fine, I won't tell. But only if you tell me when, how, and where."
"Back in the Glade. About a week before you found the way out, he pulled me behind the Homestead and he kissed me."
"You've been together this whole time!!!"
"Yeah, and there's more. About a month before, we started having dreams. The same dreams. They were memories from our past lives, memories of us as kids and when we were with WICKED. When I had the dream the night before he kissed me, I remembered that we were dating before the Maze, and I think he did too."
"Okay, you guys are goals."
"Remember, don't tell anyone."
"Not even Tom?"
"Fine." She sighed.

"I'm gonna go ahead and sleep. Night Teresa."
"Night Y/N." She turned over and turned off the lantern. I waited until I knew she was asleep and snuck out of the tent. I walked to the place me and Newt had snuck off to before, and sure enough, he was right there waiting. He turned around and smiled, then pulled me close to him and kissed me. We sat down on the top of the mound of sand and looked down at the city we had spent around a week trying to get to. It was the Right Arm's base of operations, and we had spent weeks trying to find it. We were still far away, but not too far.

The lights of the city shone brightly, the darkness melding with the night sky. The lights seemed as if they were stars, but moving stars. Almost like a strange optical illusion. I layed back on the sand, staring up at the sky. Newt layed next to me, and I rested my head on his chest. He played with my hair and stroked my arm, making me smile.

"It's funny. I don't think I've ever seen stars before." He said, softly as not to alert anyone.
"You've never seen stars before?" I responded, looking up.
"No, I don't know why. I guess I just never looked before."
"Well now you know what your missing. Stars are beautiful."
"Just like you." He said, and leaned down to kiss me. His hand rested on my face and cupped it, and mine rested on his chest. He pulled me so I was laying on top of him, lips still connected. He gripped my hips and deepened the kiss. He flicked my lip with his tounge again and this time I granted entrance, and he smirked.

"I knew something was up between you two." A voice said and I scrambled off of Newt's body. I turned to see Thomas staring at us, but only him.
"Don't tell anyone, ok?" Newt said.
"You have my word." Thomas said and walked back off to his tent. Me and Newt layed back down and stared at the stars, and I soon fell asleep on his chest.

Newt Imagines {rewrites coming soon}Where stories live. Discover now