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Caitlin's POV
Another day, another hangover. I walked into star labs with my dark sunglasses, smiled and greeted Cisco 'Good morning'. 

"How are you feeling?" He smiled.

Oh noo, so loud. I covered my ears and these are the side effects of partying too hard. I call it my 'gypsy' period. Belonging to no one and enjoying parties.

Cisco came and sat down next to me "If you need anything, you know you can always talk to me right?" I felt a sudden rush of warmth in my heart. It's nice knowing that someone genuinely cares about me.

I hugged and thanked him. I reassured him that I'm always there for him as well. 

"So who was the lucky guy last night?"

I slightly smirked and got up to do some DNA testing from our recent meta human.

"Guys come and go, his name was Eli. He's a doctor and claims that winter is his favourite season. He loves snow" Cisco laughed at my recent encounter.

"Oh my, when are you going to settle down like me and Sarah?"

Sarah has been his girlfriend for over 3 years. I seriously dont know when hes going to propose to her. They are the definition of cute.

"I don't know if I believe in "romantic love" but I believe in different forms of love such as the type I have for you. Friendship love" I poked his cheeks then Barry walked in the lab.

He noticed my dark shades and scarf around my neck then sighed. "Did you go out again last night?"

I giggled and nodded my head forcing him to somewhat smile but then a serious expression took over his face. "You can't keep doing this, Cait."

Cisco slyly walked out the room trying not to get caught in one of our "discussions".

"I am happy, Barry and it isn't affecting my work."

He walked up to me and said "it's affecting me. I can't bare to see one of my friends unhappy."

Didn't I just say that I was happy? What is happening right now? I cupped his face with my hands and made him look directly into my eyes so he can hear what I'm about to say.

"Barry Allen, I. Am. Very. Happy." He touched one of my hands but did not break eye contact.

My stomach feels slightly sick. Is it the alcohol or something else? He slowly removes my hands from his face but continues to hold onto them.

He tries to speak but no words are coming out of his mouth so I decided to help him. I tried to speak but the same thing happened to me. Our hands fit perfect together as we stand in the middle of the lab.

No words are there but it feels as though we are connected. Like we are communicating.

Iris walks into the room and clears her throat. "Hey?"


I promised myself that I won't write until my semester is over but I've seen the first episode of Season 4 and I already cannot deal with the "WestAllen" relationship. I love Iris West. I have nothing against her. I personally believe that she and Barry have better chemistry with other characters in the show. Anyway, this story is going to be a coping mechanism to deal with WestAllen 😂😂

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