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Barry's POV

The thought of losing her is making me lose my mind. I tried to stay focus because there's no time for missing her right now. The most important thing is finding and saving her.

"Cisco! Snap out of it!" I shouted at him to stop dangling the pen in his hand and focus on the computers.

He jumped a little but ignored my comment and scanned the room. "Where's Iris?" he queried then checked the security cameras.

While watching the surveillance footage, I massaged my head to calm down my nerves from exploding. "They took her as well"

"I think I know where Caitlin is" He said after touching her handbag which she dropped when she was kidnapped.

"She's dying" he said while grabbing a medicine kit.

"Let's go now!" I shouted trying to contain my anger. I'll keep it for the one who is killing her. Save her and then Iris.

Cisco vibed us into a forest.

The trees were the height of towers and the air definitely less polluted than the air in Central City. Among the trees was a house. A small wooden house that looked like it came straight out of a horror movie.

Both of us were confused. "This doesn't make any sense, she must be around here" he said.

He stopped abruptly and stared at the house. "Remember when Caitlin left us a while to contain the whole killer frost aspect of herself? She lived in that house but who would know about this?"

Before I had the opportunity to feel a bit of jealousy that Cisco knew about this place and I didn't, several bullets were being shot at us but I captured them all then looked at the shooter. Eli.

I ran and flipped him on the ground. "Where are they!" I demanded while pulling his hands behind his back tighter, making sure it hurts him.

"I'll never tell" he laughed, ignoring the pain.

I turned him around and started punching his stomach but he continued laughed.

This caused me to punched him in the face, breaking his nose and continually hitting him until Cisco pulled me away.

"LET ME GO! I'M NOT FINISHED!" I screamed.

'BARRY! Barry! Look at him! You're going to kill him!" Cisco argued showing me the condition of Eli.

"He's not worth it. We will find them"

I pulled away from Cisco and held a gun towards Eli face. "Tell me where they are or I will kill you." I said flatly. I could see the fear in Eli's face but he covered it up "You're a coward. You will not kill me"

Without even thinking, I shot him in his leg. "One last chance, tell me where they are or I will kill you"

He cried in pain and pleaded for me to stop. " Stop! I'll tell you where they are!"

I lowered the gun while Cisco stared at me in silence.

"She's in the house. There's a basement in the house. That's where they are. Just please, spare my life" he continued to cry.

"She trusted you, she went out with you, she kissed you." I said but I felt my blood starting to boil. Cisco pulled me away again then told me to stay focus. The mission is to save Caitlin and Iris. That's the mission to save both of them. 


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