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Barry's POV
I walked gently rest Caitlin on her bed and covered her then went outside to speak to Iris.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I asked and that startled her.

"Barry! What are you doing here?!"

There was something she was doodling on a piece of paper. I was about to look at the drawing but she crumbled the piece of paper and stared at me.

"I'm doing an article on her, if you must know" she spat in my face.

Geez, who spoiled her mood but before I could say anything, she walked away leaving me with more questions.

Caitlin's POV

I woke up to the comfort of my bed and smiled at the thought of him carrying me to my bed. I got up and saw a shadow outside my room. That must be Barry. 

I looked at the time: 8:00pm 

"Barry?" I called out but then the figure disappeared. He must be planning dinner or something.

My thoughts were interrupted by my cell phone. 

"Hey Cait, how are you feeling?" 


"Yeah, I was on my way to get some Chinese food and I wanted to know if you wanted anything" 

My palms began sweating and I kept my focus on my unlocked door. 

"No thanks babe, i'll call you a little later". 

Wait, did I just call him babe? It wasn't my fault. It came so naturally to me.I hung up the phone before he could say anything and allowed Killer Frost to take over my body. I scanned my room to make sure there wasn't anyone else with me. Then quietly walked outside my room. 

"Come out, come out wherever you are." I said in Killer Frosts' undetectable voice. 

My heels indicated that I was walking down the stairs and I changed the temperature in the entire house, cold everywhere. 

I heard the back door slam and someone ran out. I ran to catch him but he disappeared. The door was left swinging. I got a glimpse of him, he was tall and wearing a dark hoodie. 

Grabbing my handbag, I went straight to S.T.A.R. Labs. The devices there would help me locate this criminal who had the audacity to enter the home of a metahuman that works with the people who maintain the safety of this city. 

Arriving there, I saw Iris but she was on the phone with someone.


She looked up to me and smiled. "Hey, Killer Frost" her eyes twinkled.

"Someone broke into my house so I came to tracked them" then I began staring the the footage captured on the the computer. 

The hooded guy took a couple steps then disappeared. He's definitely a meta as well. My heart rate increased as well as my anger. Why did he want with me? Why didn't he stay to fight me?

Oh crap, I was suppose to call back Barry. 

"Can I help you with anything?" Iris queried. I calmed down so Caitlin would take over my body, no more Killer Frost right now. 

"Yes, you can let me drop you home". Smiling but nodding, she walked out so i'll give her a ride home. 

After minutes of us talking about how hot Oliver Queen is, she arrived home. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and went inside her home. "Don't forget to lock your doors."

As soon as she left, Killer Frost came back and I was ready to find him. Going back to the location where it started, my house. 

My front door was unlocked and I quickly formed some icicles from my hands. I have enough training to take down this guy.

As I entered the door quietly, I saw Cisco as Vibe standing by a wall. His index finger covered in some type of red paint. That's when I saw the text on the wall.

'My love for you is insane'

I don't think that's red paint... 


Oh noooo!!

Who's stalking Caitlin?! Why is Cisco in her house?

Thank you for reading and voting. It really means a lot to me :) 

Settle- SnowBarry/FlashFrostWhere stories live. Discover now