The Confession

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Barry's POV
I stared eagerly at my loved one's eyes, hoping they would open and they did. They slowly opened and stared at me.

Without saying anything, I got up and pressed my lips against hers. Her body was cold as eyes and I know that I was kissing Killer Frost but I love her. All of her.

Her lips became warm and her hair changed to brunette. "Caitlin" I whispered. She wrapped her hands around me and kissed me back softly but deeply.

I moved so I would be able to tell if she could get up and walk. She was able to do both.

She smiled a little but her mind seemed troubled. "Where is Iris?" she asked weakly indicating that she didn't have full strength as yet.

"We locked her up" I replied.

She was about to leave the room to look for her but she stopped and walked back towards me.

She hugged me then kissed me once again.

I rest my forehead on hers "don't ever leave me again" I whispered.

Then something strange happened, she replied "I'm yours, forever and for always".

"LET HER OUT!" Jo screamed.

Caitlin's POV
Barry and I walked to the metahuman cell to see Jo ready to fight Cisco but everyone became quiet when they saw me.

At first I was confused but then I remembered "Oh... I was dead".

Cisco ran towards me and hugged me tightly. He spun me around and thanked the heavens then Jo hugged me as well with apologetic eyes.

"I'm alive and well" I said to him, trying to reassure him that his daughter is not a criminal.

Iris made eye contact with me and she cried. Cried in anger and embarrassment but I felt pity for her. I remember everything she told me before I died.

She told me that she planned to stay home at Sarah's welcome home party so that Eli and I could meet. She arranged for his son to kidnap me so that we could both leave the country and start over. She told me that Eli was in love with her and would do anything for her.

She told me how in love she was with me that she wanted to write a book on me. She lied about the article, she was ready to write pages upon pages.

No one knew what to do. "We can't leave her here" I said.

"She needs help".

My head began spinning, I needed to rest for a little.

Cisco said that he will deal with the situation and insisted that Barry carries me home to get some rest and I didn't object.

We went to his apartment and I curled up in the bed with him. He moved the hair from my face and touched my cheeks.

I moved closer towards him and played with my fingers on his chest then he lifted my face.

His eyes were filled with intensity "I am in love with you" he said in a serious yet helpless tone. The atmosphere became still and all that existed was us. "I am in love with you as well" I replied with tears forming in my eyes.

So long I have kept it a secret and today, I didn't have to hold back. I am in love with him. I don't care about not settling down, he's worth it. He's worth giving up all that I am afraid of.

He leaned down and kissed my lips with everything inside of him then wrapped his hands around my waist, allowing him to claim my entire body for himself.


Settle- SnowBarry/FlashFrostWhere stories live. Discover now